View Full Version : New Years Eve anxiety

30-12-09, 22:50
Hi, i loathe new years eve..i have no idea why? but guarenteed i'll spend the whole evening chewing my nails and just wishing it away. I also loathe fire works and am already trying to over come my increasing worry over the 2012 world ending thing lol. Everything seems to be making me edgy lately, its like im waiting for something bad to happen..
Anyway, im curious as to anyone else feeling the same about new years eve and if so can you shed any light into why i may feel like this?
Thanks Em x

30-12-09, 22:55
Hi Sassy,

i dread new year eve, or hogmanay in scotand, as midnight appraoaches i get terrible butterflies in my stomach, dry mouth , the minute the bell tolls, i just want to cry, a sense of foreboading fills me , and sadness, for the people who are no longer with us.
I know a few people who look forward to new year, see it as a fresh start, and exciting with all the challanges it brings, but i think the majority of people i know dont really like it, but im not so sure why.....

P x

30-12-09, 22:58
I don't like it, it makes me overanalyse and judge myself harshly.

30-12-09, 23:01
Same sh*t, different day is how I look at it! :D

Just treat it as another night the same as every other night. We are all still going to wake up the next day with the same life and the same problems.

Nothing bad is going to happen....its just a day like any other.

30-12-09, 23:37
hiya i feel the same, last few days my anxiety is gone of the wall thinkin of new years eve, we have a party and while every 1 gets drunk i sit and just think another year of feeling like shit, wish i could just enjoy it like every 1 around me....:weep:

30-12-09, 23:49
New years Eve used to be my favourite night of the year !

I used to actually believe it was going to be a great year, ha ha !

This year, I will actually be on my own, so it will either be the worst yet, or the best.

It's all in the mind !

Slothette, I love that name, ha ha !

30-12-09, 23:51
lol...thankyou celt :D

31-12-09, 00:04
lol...thankyou celt :D

Well, at least it made you laugh ! Is that a pick of your cat ?

I just got a new Kitty, she is asleep on my lap, awwwwww !

Anyway, seeing as you have a few posts up, maybe you can answer a question or two ?

Are we allowed to change user names on here ?

and I have not looked yet but do we have a 'fun' thread on here ?

Soz for going off the thread a bit. :huh: