View Full Version : ive hit a brick wall

30-12-09, 23:50
i relly dont know whats happened to me..... taught i was doing so well... but last few days feel ilke i am going mad.. crying all the time... feel like i am outside myself looking in at my life....cant talk to any 1 cause they will think i am mad.... scared to take any meds..... just want it to all end :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::w eep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

andrea thompson
31-12-09, 00:05
hi hon
you sound like you are really going through it a the moment.. take comfort in the fact that lots of us have been there. have you been to see a dr about your feelings. i fealt better as soon as i had made the appointment. also i have just started on citalopram 4 weeks ago there have been a few side affects but they are better than the anxiety and depression. the side affects were mild and settled within a week or two. previously i have taken seroxat and that worked well too.

i am not quite sure what your situation is but anxiety and depression are an illness like any other. dont worry about what people think and you are not going mad ( even though you might feel like you are).

have you looked at the symptoms on here. i find it helps because it reassures me that the feelings i have are normal.

please take care. i hope you feel better soon.

andrea x x

31-12-09, 00:16
Hi there

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling the way you are... you do need to open up to someone you are not going mad though heaven knows we have all been there.

By keeping it inside you are only building yourself up to feel worse, please speak to your doctor or pour your heart out on here you will receive so much support everyone is so kind mainly because we have all had at least shared the same emotions and fears... there is only so much anyone can carry alone... there is nothing to be afraid of honestly the first step really is allowing yourself some help.

((Hugs)) sent.... be proud of yourself that you have come on here you are on your way x

31-12-09, 00:40
Isn't it strange how we can feel good (not lately for me) one minute and the feel horrible the next? It seems the feelings come out of nowhere.

I feel like I'm going mad about six times a day! I just took a bit of Ativan and feel much better. Don't be afraid to take the meds. They help.

You should speak with your doctor. The last time I went, I burst into tears as soon as she opened the door. I know I made a fool of myself, but I felt better afterward.

I hope you feel better soon.

31-12-09, 14:06

i know im not one to speak as i tend not to tell anyone i know/work with about these things but i can testify to the fact that on the odd occasion when i have let some of it out the release has helped feel a lot lighter. if its involved speaking to someone face to face (as opposed to online) the effect is heightened.

what is so great about online places like these is that you learn that you really are not the only one like this. even if you do sometimes feel like it.


04-01-10, 21:38

Thank u all for ur kind replies, I do feel better when i come on here, I ended up in the hositpal on new years day after taken some tablets and having a major panic attack, my sister came to me in the hostipal and i told her how i was feeling, she's been so good to me dont know what i would do without her, I have a apointment for the doctors 2moro, some days i can be fine and then others just cant handle the feelings, like ive been doing ok since i got home from the hositpal but then today we got news that a young lad we know was found dead, he was only 20 and my son knew him very well, my son is in an awful state, Iam hoping the doctor can give me somthing that i can take when i feel i cant cope rather then takin tablets every day......

Thanks for listen

happy new year