View Full Version : 5 wks in and getting worse

31-12-09, 09:36
been citalopram for 14 wks now but my doc put them up to 20mg 5 wks ago and im feeling really panicky what do i do do i need my dose upping:weep:

31-12-09, 10:23
Hi. Sounds like you need to go back to your gp matey.Has your GP asked to see you again? When? 5 weeks sounds a long time if you are not getting any better but it is different for everybody. Dont suffer alone though, if its thats bad go back. Maybe your dose still isnt right. :hugs:.xx

02-01-10, 02:03
How did you feel on 10MG?? I also had my dose increased from 10MG up to 20MG and found that i was a lot more panicky on 20 than i was on 10, would tend to say that it might be worth speaking to your GP about.


02-01-10, 21:48
yeh been back to my gp he has put thm up to 30mg feeling quite good again now maybe i was having a few bad days but thx for your replys xxxxx