View Full Version : Jitterbug

31-12-09, 09:49
Hi, Im new to this site and Im hoping for reassurance that Im normal!

I have been diagnosed with Health Anxiety following an emotional divorce these past 18 months. I am a or was a healthy 42 year old mum of two with very few health problems in the past but I have become so aware of my body and sensations that I scare myself silly. Lately I have been suffering from sensations in my forehead and convinced myself I have MS, and now that that symptom has faded I have become aware of a vibration in my foot and now convinced I have Parkinsons. To top it all at the start of all my stresses I started waking up jittering. I suppose its trembling but a sort of internal tremble but I learnt that if I took a couple of deep breaths it calmed me down and stopped the jittering. However, the last few weeks the jittering has returned with a vengence. Does anyone else suffer from these jitters? I don't tremble in the day, just at night when Im trying to relax, have fallen asleep on the couch or when waking in the middle of the night/morning etc. Im scaring myself daft thinking the worst that Im going to turn into a trembly mess! Would appreicate any advice you can give.


31-12-09, 12:47
I get this ... there is another post similar. I jitter as though i have just has a shock or heard a loud bang or something

31-12-09, 12:48
This is the other thread
