View Full Version : Upper Back & Chest Pain

31-12-09, 10:25
Hi. I have had upper back pain and chest pain for over a week now. Sometimes I do not notice it but then it catches me, when I move or turn my body. I have had a cold recently but the chest/back pain started just before then. My chest also feels tight but the more I think about it the worse I get.

I have had something simular before and when I went to the docs he gave me some anti imflamitry tablets as he said I had hurt my chest etc when I fell over in the summer.

I still have some of these tablets left, so I have taken one today to see if it helps.

I have a worry that there is something wrong with my lungs, as when I was in hospital this year I had to have a CT scan after my chest x ray as the radiologist said they noticed something! Needless to say the CT scan was clear and I never heard anything.

I so do not want to worry, coming into a new year but I do find it hard. This site is excellent and has helped me through so many of my fears.

I think if it not any better I will book to see my dr next week.

Sorry to be pain :(

31-12-09, 10:44
I had this in mid October. I'm not sure if it's exactly the same but similar. Sort of like a stabbing/aching pain inbetween my shoulder blades and in my chest. I noticed it more when I moved or turned into a different position. Mine sort of felt like when you swallow a peice of food that's too big and you can feel it in your chest and back. It went away about three weeks later.

Hope it feels better soon...:hugs:

31-12-09, 11:12
Hi Turnthelighton

I have had this for a while....not to say you will....i think in my case it is my bed it hurts when i twist escpecially to my left i know in my head it is all muscular but it is uncomfortable and always there like a dull ache some days it is worse than others i guess depending on how i have slept.....i have been docs they listened to my chest got me to do some arm excersises(sp) and reassured me it would get better but as i say i dont think mine will till i get a new mattress i think in your case as you have a old injury you may be prone to repeating it in that area try not to worry and rest i am sure you will feel better soon

best wishes and happy new year :)

sarah jayne
31-12-09, 13:15
hi, has anyone mentioned you might have costachondritis ? I suffer from it and have similar symptoms. It took over 2 years for the docs to find out what was wrong. Its nothing serious, its inflamation in the chest wall.
Sarah x

31-12-09, 23:46

Iv had this pain on and off for years. My doc said it was tension because i was so anxious all the time

It used to get so bad it made me cry.

When im not as anxious the pain did go away for me

love mandie

03-01-10, 10:43
Hi, thanks for all your replies. The pain in my chest has got better and I am trying to do relaxation excercises. But today I woke up and noticed when I walk I have a sharp pain in my left thigh....when I am sat down I dont notice it.