View Full Version : Ibuprofen with Citalopram - Ladies!

31-12-09, 10:31

I have been taking 10mg of Citalopram for the past week and will up to 20mg next week.

I also suffer sever period cramps and usually take a couple of ibruprofen a few times a day to get rid of the pain, sometimes Feminax. Am I allowed to mix these tablets?:shrug:

Thanks all xx

31-12-09, 10:39
best vthing to do is ask your local pharmisit ,think will be ok but better to check

31-12-09, 11:06
You arent meant to take Ibrufen with Citalopram .I t can cause internal bleeding ,bu it is rare ..Paracetamol or cocodamol is ok tho .Ask your Dr if he can perscribe you something if it doesnt help much . A warm heat pad or water bottle on your tummy will be helpful with the cramping ..Take care Sue xx:hugs::hugs:

31-12-09, 14:14
Yeah, Ibuprofen and Citalopram are a no no I'm afraid. Any anti inflammatories are off limits for the time you're on Citalopram. It sucks, because I have chronic back pain and I'm all knotted to hell. I was on diclofenac which helped a lot, but I can't take it anymore.

31-12-09, 14:22
I took it for 2.5 years n it didnt harm me. Id ask your gp first as its not recommended. A pharmacist may recommend rubbing ibuprofen gel over your tummy if you really prefer ibuprofen to other pain management, as this doesnt impact on your stomache lining like a tablet does. Pharmacist is best person to ask.:yesyes:

31-12-09, 14:25
By the way, my dtocor prescribes mefenamic acid tablets for my period pains but Im on mirtazapine , I took it when I ws on citalopram too.IT IS FANTASTIC!

31-12-09, 19:07
I had them too . They are very good .but they are an anti imflammatory .I wasnt on Citalopram at the time ..Only your Dr can advise you on these type of meds .I have taken the odd Ibrufen WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECESSSARY .:blush:but its best taken with food .I was ok too . There are some tabs you can get from Holland and Barret made by New era ..they are homeopathic and are specially for menstrual pain Sue x

31-12-09, 21:28
Hi 80schickx
I agree with the other posters. I've been on Citalapram for years now and suffer badly from the 'monthly' cramps (what with that and childbirth, we get all the good stuff). :-)
My Dr advised against Ibuprofen but I have been able to take paracetamol as and when I need it. Not sure about the 'stronger' (over the counter) painkillers, but your Dr or NHS Direct can advise you about that.
Hope this helps.

02-01-10, 14:14
I've only taken ibuprofen with citalopram on two occasions, one when I didn't know you couldn't mix them, the other when I had a horrible migraine. I would avoid ibuprofen in all its forms when taking citalopram unless there are no alternatives, and don't use it long-term alongside citalopram.

02-01-10, 15:02
Well I must say I've never heard this, and taking them together has never done me any harm and I have a freind whose also on citalopram and takes Ibuprofen 600mg regularly for back pain but hey, im not a pharmacist, what do i know? :P

02-01-10, 23:26

Just read this and am worried now, I take 40mg of Citalapram plus propananol for anxiety and depression, but I also take diclafenac (which is a prescibed pain killer) in combination with either co-codamol or paracetamol for back-pain. My gp has never said anything - but I never tend to discuss the two together (if that makes sense) and am now worried that this combination is really not clever, what have other gp's said? Advice appreciated,


Joey xxxx

02-01-10, 23:48
Although it isn't advised to take SSRIs with NSAIDs (ibuprofen, diclofenac etc) my GP has also prescribed me the two in the past. I think if you're an older patient or have had GI problems and at high risk of bleeding, it's definitely not advised, but the occasional course of NSAIDs is generally OK according to my GP. I'm not sure it's a good idea to regularly be taking the two together though and I'd have a word with your GP about this.

03-01-10, 02:09
It says to tak ibuprofin, asprin, etc with caution. So id reccomend taking something with paracetamol in it, instead of asprin. Just go and ask your pharmacist on what is the best thing to take with citalopram..xx

04-01-10, 18:54
I take aparacetemol/codeine blend you can get over the counter at most pharmacies. It works well, but the first time I took it after starting citalopram I felt really...weird... for a while. No problems since the first time so dunno if that was an actual effect of mixing or psychosomatic, but I'd recommend you take it at home first time.