View Full Version : Heart pals and slow heart advice please

31-12-09, 12:39
Hello, hope you all had a nice Christmas.

So I am trying to handle the ectopics (not easy to live with). BUT...the other problem I have and keep trying to get across to my GP is that sometimes dring the day...my heart beats really slow and I feel faint and spacey.

My G had said this is all part of the problem (ectopics) yet it feels like a different problem. When it happens even standing up and walking around only gets my heart rate up to about 60bpm. I also get a weak feeling down one side and of course then get anxious and think STROKE. Does anyone else who has these ectopics also get the slow heart rate phases and dizzy spells?

31-12-09, 12:48
can i say 60 bpm is very good rte normal in fact ,its better to have a slw pulse than to fast

31-12-09, 12:51
I guess it is for some people but for me while walking around, I feel dizzy and have the weak symptomes. My normal and comfortable pulse is 72 - 88 at rest so when it happens it can slow to about 56 - 58 and I stand up and walk around and get it up to about 60 to 70 and that's after walking up and down stairs. Not my normal rate and certainly makes me feel my heart will stop it goes so slow sometimes

31-12-09, 13:00
i was a nurse 15 years ..did you know athleates have a pulse of between 50 and 60.. at rest yes it sould go up if your walking up and down stairs but not a great deal ,,70 is fine ,, it may feel slow to you but to docters they will feel its ok ,, do you take your pulse a lot if so not a good thing to do,, will bother you ,the main thing is if it goes down after walking up and down stairs ,it means your heart working well,,

31-12-09, 13:18
yes I did know about athletes and how a slower (60) heart rate is good and less risk of stroke and heart attack. But for me this is not my norm. My norm is around 72 - 88 at rest and 90 - 100 when active.

It is fine to have a slower heart rate for some - but if its not your norm then it can make a person feel light headed, tired etc. That is why beta blockers can make a person feel they are tired and dragging around etc bevause it slows down their heart rate.

I am not on beta blockers but a few times a day my heart feels like I am. Just need to know if any people who get ectopics and palps, also get these slow (fro me) heart beats as well. Thanks

31-12-09, 13:21
i was only trying to help ,if you need someone with same problem type in eptopic into searh box it will bring up people with same problem

31-12-09, 13:30
Yes I know you are trying to help....sorry if I came across as not acknowledging that. I'll change the title to Ectopics, thanks

31-12-09, 13:34
http://blog.sajithm.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/HappyNewYear.jpgits ok

31-12-09, 13:51
I get a slow heart rate sometimes (58-60 bpm). My resting heart rate is usually in the mid to low 60s, so I think it is normal for me. I never really had dizzines with it, though. Do you get the dizzy, spacey feeling at other times, or only with the slow heart rate?

31-12-09, 18:42
My resting rate is about 60-65. I am on beta blockers. I have a lot of ectopics but my cardio says just live with them. The big prob I have is my heart slows way down as Im falling asleep and I wake up with dizzy head rushes. I can only fall asleep now with a pill helping.

31-12-09, 18:55
Thanks so much for your replies. I have been told to "live with" the ectopics and I am trying...in fact I am handling them much better than before when I first came here.

It is these slow beats that get to me more

Do you get the dizzy, spacey feeling at other times, or only with the slow heart rate?

Only since the slower heart rate and never before.

31-12-09, 19:06