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View Full Version : annoying cough in throat for over a year

31-12-09, 15:25
Thinking about it I have had this cough on and off for over 2 yrs. I have an sudden choking irritation in one specific spot on right side of throat that makes me cough and my eye run on that side and usually I sneeze as well. It seems to happen when I have been talking or raising my voice. I can go for weeks without it then suddenly it will be there and annoy me about 5-6 times a day for about a week then tis gone again.

I saw my Gp a few times over a year ago and she listened to my chest and said lungs fine and when i said I always cough and sneeze tog she said i could have a sensitive nerve in throat on that side.

I saw GP again in summer and she said she would send me to ent to make sure I didn't have a nodule on my vocal cord as talking seemed to trigger it off and I went in Sept and had a camera down nose to throat:ohmy: and told all perfectly normal.

I haven't had the cough for about a month but yesterday it was back again with a vengeance - same sudden tickle in same place - its a bit embarrasing in public as I coudh sneeze and my eye pours all at once!

I have P appt next Fri so will ask again as after moving house its new Doctors. I know a couple of people who seem to have same cough as me for years so wondered if it was quite common.

31-12-09, 19:59
I think it is common. My mother in law has had a cough since I met her 15 yrs ago. She has had a kinds of tests and nothing has been found. Between the length of the symptoms and the number of tests you have had, I think you have nothing to worry about. Good luck

Cell block H fan
31-12-09, 22:01
Its not the same thing I know, but for months now ive had problems with the right side of my throat. A couple of sore throat bouts that would have my voice going husky when I spoke & even though the sore throats gone lately, more recently had jabbing pains in it. Nothing agony, just little jolts. Strange. When I swallow I can feel it on the right side. This might sound crazy, but it seems to be more obvious if I haven't drunk much water/drinks during the day or been out on the booze the night before! Not sure why though.