View Full Version : stopping smoking

25-11-05, 13:04
Hi have had panic attacks and anxiety for years on and of but this time it has been the worsed i am a smoker and i really want to stop i have read allan carrs book twice and i have tried stopping a couple of times when i have stopped i am ok for a few hours then i started to feel panicy and start smoking again i am going to do it this time i don't want to take any thing i would rather just stop if i can i don't go out much and i have had to give up my job has any one else given up and the anxiety got any better i don't take any medication for my panic attacks it would be great to here from some one who has done it thanks marg

existential crisis
25-11-05, 13:12

I suffer with anxiey/panic attacks and I myself am a heavy smoker. I would love to give up but so far havent really tried because, like you, I feel like my fags help calm my nerves and I do tend to smoke more when I start feeling anxious. One thing my CPN did tell me though was that doing something like giving up smoking can do wonders for how you feel. You might feel crap at first but I reckon if we quit after a few weeks or so we would feel generally healthier. Thing is with smoking is that it's not actually easing our nerves - it's probably making it worse! It pushes up your blood pressure and makes your heart beat faster! I reckon the only thing that is soothing about fags is the repetative motion of drawing on it for a drag, plus its like a prop - something that you have because you believe it will make you feel better. Mind you, saying all that I've already smoked about ten this morning...:D

*I think, therefore I am.*

Ma Larkin
25-11-05, 14:04
I'm a heavy smoker too. With my very first panic attack my friend phoned an ambulance because she thought I was having a heart attack. The first thing they said was "whatever you do, don't let her have a fag". I could have killed for one at that moment! The weird thing is, I know smoking exacerbates the anxiety, yet when I start feeling anxious and panicky i'll smoke about 10 fags in 10 minutes! Have you tried the gum? It tastes like a dirty ashtray! I keep saying i'll try the patches, but knowing my luck i'd keep taking it off to have a fag!!

25-11-05, 15:14
hi there im currently stoppin smoking and im using patches.i 2 have anxiety and when stopping smoking i find it reduses it alot u also feel much healthier!just want 2 wish u luck and let me know how u get on feel free 2 pm me if u want any help!tc and keep smilin:D
luv mooxXx

27-11-05, 17:03
HI, I am new as of today & this topic is where I need to start..
I stopped a 35 year old habit up to two plus packs a day last Nov, so I am a one year non smoker, BUT 4 months after I stopped cold turkey, I was shopping and it hit me, I felt like I just hit a brick wall, my body felt like I was dragging the weight of the world on it, I felt so many physical symptoms until I finally had to give in & go to the Dr. after a dr's visit some blood work, an a weekend trip to the er ekg, chest x-ray and more blood work and a heart rate of 144 and a bp of 200/122, I was in the hells of anxiety and panic attacks (again) fifteen years ago I suffered with this and now I am again, going cold turkey I will always think caused this, I am some better once I stopped all the medication my dr prescribed, I will fight this by myself until the figiht is no longer left in me...I am sensitive to change and medication and the side effects drive me crazy even to the point of losing it and wanting to just beat myself in the head, I no longer do that, I have accepted this & must try to move on, I still have so much going on, heavy legs, hot flashes, upset stomach, night panic, on and on and on, I don't even leave my house any longer for fear of feeling bad.....I'm going to leave it at this right now because my computer will no doubt boot me before I finish, hopefully I can post with you all later..Thanks for listening...

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