View Full Version : Worse at Night

Mr Guntrip
31-12-09, 18:49
Does anyone else find their anxiety is worse at night? During the day if I start thinking about something that has to be done I'm OK about it. But when it's dark I start to panic and dread the upcoming event. And in the middle of the night (when I normally can't sleep) it gets even worse. These dark nights are certainly not helping me at the moment. Roll on summer.

Happy New Year to all

Mr Guntrip

31-12-09, 19:00

It's funny this anxiety thing as for me, evenings are my best time of day. Mornings are my worst. I awake with anxiety which slowly diminishes throughout the day. Are you more occupied during the day? I am more of an eveing person who often has little to do once my 4 year old is at school... wierd huh... one day hun, one day.

L x

Mr Guntrip
31-12-09, 19:14
Hi Loulabella

It's wierd isn't it - us being totally the opposite like that. I guess I am more occupied during the day as I work monday to friday 9 to 5. But I think when it's dark everything seems more scary to me but during the day it's much brighter and I think more positively.

Mr Guntrip

31-12-09, 20:32
Do you live alone? x

Mr Guntrip
31-12-09, 20:45
Hi Loulebella

No I still live with my parents despite being 33 - sad I know. If i can pluck up enough courage I hope to move out ext year. I think that will help my anxiety and lack of confidence a lot.

Mr Guntrip

31-12-09, 21:04
Hey - don't knock the rents. I moved out at 19 and came back 2 months ago at 27! So wey hey I say. I came home partly because my anxiety/PA's were so bad they didn't want me spending time alone. I was doing well till about 2 weeks ago when a blip with my meds and headaches set me off again (have had a HA for 6 months - part of my anxiety issue)... Do you find your anxiety is better when sat with them or alone? Music or silence? TV or reading? - And then do all 3 together! lol... x

Mr Guntrip
31-12-09, 21:47
Hi Loulabella

Yes I'm well aware how cheap the rent is. It's just I'd rather have my own independance. Sorry to hear about your recent blip. At least you have supportive parents which is great. I'm always more anxious when I'm alone. Too much time to think and get silly ideas into my head

Mr Guntrip.

01-01-10, 02:24
I hate the dark nights. They really get me. I want to get to bed about 4pm!!

01-01-10, 18:48
my anxiety is so so much worse at night and as im trying to get to sleep. maybe because we are just laid still and thinking about things alot more than during day when we are on the go?

01-01-10, 23:22
Have you tried listening to music, or a relaxation CD? x

Mr Guntrip
01-01-10, 23:29
I do sometimes listen to relaxation CDs. Sometimes they work but sometimes I try to hard to relax and end up not not relaxing at all.

Mr Guntrip

02-01-10, 00:08
Gonna sound silly but the Paul McKenna 'Sleep like a log' has worked wonders for me in the past. I rem listening being like - oh like this mumbo jumbi is gonna work and then next thing it's morning.


Mr Guntrip
02-01-10, 09:08
Might give that one a try. Thanks Loulabella.

Mr Guntrip

02-01-10, 09:35
I have a digital copy (eeek may be pushing legality boundaries here) I could email you?