View Full Version : HELP really scared

anx mum
01-01-10, 12:49
feel like i havent got enough air horrible been like this now for a few days does this sound like a panic attack:weep:relly scaring me

01-01-10, 13:12
It's pure tension in your chest muscles because of anxiety. You will always get enough air. Try to take controlled, timed breaths. I had this again a few months ago after many years and I know how uncomfortable it is. Also, the doctor can give you a temporary med to get over this and to calm you a wee bit. You sound so stressed. You shouldn't have to feel like this all the time if your doctor is helping you.

anx mum
01-01-10, 13:32
what did doc give u feels like breathing is gonna stop. Really panicky

01-01-10, 13:42
I was given 2mgs to take 3 times a day for a week. I didn't even have to take them for a week. They really relaxed me and I was able to cope on my own again, take stock of why it was happening, and learn to breath easier. I was stressed out at the time. Your breathing will not stop. It's your chest muscles that are tense, not your lungs. Honestly, this will go away.

Myra :hugs:

01-01-10, 13:44
hi dont worry you wont stop breathing try to calm yourself down like post before take nice deep breaths , slow and reguler , it sounds like bad anxiety you have can you do something to take your mind off why dont you put music on and sing at top of your voice good way to fill your lungs ,, thats what i do if i feel like you ,, am sorry your having bad time ,, maybe when docter opens you could talk to them if you feel you cant wait ring nhs irect love maggie

anx mum
01-01-10, 13:53
thanks maggie driving my partner mad at mo feel scared had diazpam keep taking my bp aswell

01-01-10, 13:57

I agree with everything maggie and myra have said, i have felt like you have many , many times, you will get over it, and you wont stop breathing, i promise, a small, short course of diazepam, can really help in times like this, just to get you over the worst part, your mind is just playing tricks on you, its the anxiety that is making you think this way, thats what i tell myself over and over, that and trying to do something to take my mind elsewhere, even for a short time helps.

lots of hugs to you, i know how hard it is. xx:hugs: :hugs:

01-01-10, 13:59
just read you r last post, please please dont take your bp, i have done this in the past too, and only makes your anxiety worse, it really does, put the machine away, my practice nurse even offered to keep it in her office if i couldnt rust myself not to take it, and i have stopped, cos it really doesnt help, it has its place and can be helpful, but this isnt the time, xxxx

01-01-10, 15:14
Hi Anx Mom
I have just read your post
I used to be the same as you I was always taking my BP and when it was high I panicked I mentioned this to the doctor and he said throw the machine away it will only make you worse.
Because when you are anxious your bp rises and also your pulse does.
Hope you get it all sorted out.
Look after yourself.

Regards Joanxx

01-01-10, 20:16
thanks maggie driving my partner mad at mo feel scared had diazpam keep taking my bp aswell

You sound like me when I'm at my lowest ebb ie when the symptoms are at their worst. Right now I'm low because Im having stabbing chest pains which are making me sweat and feel faint.

What we really need to do is break the cycle. Turn and face it, and tell it to f*** off.

Dont shrink from it. Face up to it. Accept it.

andrea thompson
01-01-10, 20:34
oh hon you are having a really tough time at the moment arent you.
i have fealt like that before - like i cant breath - i agree wth the previous replies to your post - go see your dr - get the reassurance you need and diazepam if necessary. my nanna takes that to get her through the tough times and my auntie was prescribed it for two weeks to help her relax - she only needed it for a week. it gave her the relief she needed to be able to rest properly at a time when she was really struggling.
in the short term i always try to do a menial task to take my mind off things... its hard to focus but i always feel better if i make myself do something.. i always sort out sock drawer or do a big pile of ironing.. i know its prob the last thing you want to do - but give t a try it works for me.. also look up breathing on the symptoms on here. seeing the symptoms directly related to anxiety always reassures me..

sorry to babble on but i hope this helps..

take care

andrea x x

01-01-10, 20:40
please just say stop to yourself breathe quietly through you nose turn your eyes to something different in the room and check everything about it out it will go

magic girl
01-01-10, 20:45
hi anx mum iv been wondering how your coping,when my meds were altered from 75mg to 150mg it made my symptoms worse for about a week but the diazapam took the edge off,i dont know what dose they gave you but i think while your really bad 5 mg is the best but some docs only give 2 mg but i still felt really really bad,i don't know if you have a copy of self help for your nerves by dr clair weeks a lot of people have recommended it on here and i know i turn to it again and again and it really does make a lot of sense and also ask your g.p to get you help from your local mental health team as you need additional support apart from your meds.i found it helpful to try and sleep through the worst of it(although its easier said than done)but hang in there you will start to pick up soon but please ask your doc for additional support from mental health team and keep us posted
take care,im thinking of you:bighug1::bighug1:

Cell block H fan
01-01-10, 20:55
Did you go to the doctor, or a different doctor in the end? They were open the last couple of days. Your hubby wont have much sympathy, I got in a bit of a state a few years ago with health anxiety, & the guy I was dating at the time thought I had lost the plot I think lol But you need to take steps to get better. If you dont & just keep 'sufferring' these symptoms that are mostly caused because you aren't seeking professional help, it wont go away. Its a lot of effort going to the doctor I know, I hate it at the best of times, like when its only for a pap test. But they are the first port of call if you are in a bad way with HA, & it wont get better until you make that step xxxxx

anx mum
01-01-10, 21:58
yeah been and she has upped my dose of sentaline 2 150mg bk on diazpam and she did some bloods where some were abnormal shes ringing me mon thanks guys for replys x

Cell block H fan
01-01-10, 22:10
yeah been and she has upped my dose of sentaline 2 150mg bk on diazpam and she did some bloods where some were abnormal shes ringing me mon thanks guys for replys x

Thats good then. If they have given you a good enough dose of Diazapam, it can be reeeeally chilling. Which can break the cycle of stress>symptom>stress>symptom & so on & so on xxxxxxxxxxx