View Full Version : Heart Rate and O2 drop when falling asleep

01-01-10, 16:19
Hello, if anyone has seen any of my other posts, I apologize for lengthy intro. I've been struggling with anxiety for years. I'm a Type-A who retired from a stressful IT job last year.. well, 2008 that is. Lately, sleep has become very difficult to find. I have had tests and know when I drift off to sleep, my heart rate slows to as low as 44 and my blood 02 can drop to about 85%. I'll then get a big head rush and wake up. Only way I can get any sleep is with an Ambien. I have sleep apnea and caNOT fall alspeep with my cpap either. I have an 02 concentrator machine and sleep with it on and a cannula under my nose. I am on Zoloft 25mg in the AM (day 3) and 20mg Amitriptyline in the pm which I take 3 hours before bedtime. Im in beta blockers, toprol xl 12.5 mg in the am and another 12.5 in the pm. I've also had pvcs off and on for years (had a triple bypass 15 yrs ago).

Well, last nite came home about 1130pm, had taken my 20mg Ami about 30 min prior. Laid down in bed with my o2 concentrator and just relaxed myself. No sleep came but the head rushes did. About 115am I took 1/2 a 5mg Ambien and remember last time I saw the clock it was 138am. I slept till 439 and awoke but fell back and slept till 630. woke up with nausea and a headache. Tried to fall back asleep but one horrible rush said no to that, so im up. Took two ibuprofens for the headache. I think instead of taking 1/2 my beta blocker in the am and half in the pm, Im going to go back to my old way and take the whole pill (toprol xl) in the am. Today will be also day 3 on 25mg Zoloft. Seems past few days ive been worse since starting the zoloft (sertraline). Its going to be a long weekend. Anyone else feel like this? I'm trying positive thinking and relaxation breathing also. I welcome advice.

Happy new year too everyone.