View Full Version : chest pain

01-01-10, 18:02
i have been having a pain in my chest for over a year now i thought it was my acid reflux but it wont go away... what does the chest pain of anxiety feel like?

01-01-10, 18:06
anxiety can cause this as can ibs bad tum , if you put chest pain in search box you will see there are others that suffer with it hope this helps

01-01-10, 19:09
the sensation one might experience varies..i get burning, twinges, momentary stab-like pain...pain in my back next to shoulder blades...the whole nine yards.

01-01-10, 20:11
I get stabbing pains in my lower chest, sometimes in the centre, sometimes to the left, but always lower chest.

They make me feel like im going to pass out, break out in a sweat, heart races a bit, but they only last about 2-3 seconds each MAX.

I've no idea what causes it, I just hope it's anxiety and not my heart.

sarah jayne
01-01-10, 20:19
I get sudden sharp chest pains that really scare me, i always get them at the start of a panic attack but i also suffer from costachondritis so i get alot of chest pain from that.
sarah x