View Full Version : terrible pain near belly button

02-01-10, 00:00
Hi there guys,just wanted to share one of my main worries I have at the moment with you all just in case somebody can calm me down and give me a rational explanation.
For years now and I mean years I get a pain on the right hand side of my abdomen(to the right of my belly button)and it is excrutiating when it hits.I always feel as if I could pass wind when I get it but sometimes it is so severe that I can't walk with it and have to sit down and rub it gently.Because I have had it on and off for years my husband says that if it was anything serious I would be dead by now but I still feel as though something is wrong.I hear you all say go to the docs but I am really frightened as I think they will find something awful that has probably been laying dormant all this time.I have felt the area often and there is no lumps there,I have not lost any weight,my appetite is normal and I have no bleeding from anywhere suspicious.I am 43 yrs old and suffer badly with the monthlys but I don't think they are connected somehow.The area around my belly button is very tender when I get it and it almost feels as though it is on the surface of the skin.Could this be I.B.S? as I think the pain may be too severe for that,husband says that it could be trapped wind,would it be that painful if that was the case?sorry for rabbiting on but I live in fear of this pain and just wish it would go away forever.

02-01-10, 03:40
It could definatly be IBS hun. IBS can be terribly painful sometimes! And trapped wind is also very painful and uncomfortable.

I would seriousl recommend going to your doctor and talking to them about it, they can give you treatments for IBS - usually just ones from the chemist that will help a lot!! This has been going on for years and is probably as simple as IBS - wouldn't you love to get some reassurance from the doctor that it is JUST IBS and they can help you feel better again?


02-01-10, 11:01
Definately sounds like IBS. I get this daily as I have constant trapped wind. I take charcoal capsules to dispearse the gas £2.99 from Holland and Barretts. You need to take 2 after each of your main meal. I also take Colpermin peppermint tablets, can get from Boots, Superdrug etc. They dissolve in the gut and help the pain of wind caused by IBS