View Full Version : GAD/panic disorder

25-11-05, 17:09

I was diagnosed with panic disorder some years ago, but I'm wondering if I have GAD, or if it's possible to have both.

I have tremendous amounts of anxiety; I was in a psychological evaluation where I was told I have so much anxiety it can result in some psychotic symptoms. Has anyone of you had any psychotic-like symptoms (without actually having been psychotic)? I read on a website that GAD sufferers don't start avoiding places and situations, I however do.

My panic/anxiety attacks are severe (like I'm sure all of yours are) and, unlike what I've read about panic attacks, don't stop in a few minutes, or even half an hour. I also can't stop them by breathing into a bag.


25-11-05, 18:03
Hi there,
Yes you can have panic and GAD I believe. I've had panic and health anxiety together.
I'm sorry I can't help regarding the psychotic symptoms.
My panic attacks didn't used to stop in minutes either, they could last hours, even days. When I first had them I had panic attacks that lasted on and off for a week!
Breathing into a paper bag never helped me either. In fact I now see a breathing therapist who tells me that it can make it worse anyway, depending on how exactly you are breathing.
You're not alone with this,

25-11-05, 23:26

I'm quite sure from all your posts over time that you do have a form of GAD as well as panic and some health anxiety.

You have not displayed any psychotic symptoms.. that is probably some psycho babble.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-11-05, 00:29

i agree, with meg. i can also relate to lj and yourself. my attacks can last all day, days, and the paper bag didnt work for me either. i know it is hard but try to relax and think positive, r try to distract yourself but i dont know what yr doc was on about really as mine can be just as bad and i havent had anyone say that to me. this is normal. but i know it doesnt feel like it.

take care.xxx

ptsd suffer

lin x