View Full Version : Scared of cervical cancer!!!!!

02-01-10, 03:41
Okay so..
There's cervical cancer in my family, and the relatives that have had it (or pre-cancerous cell changes) have been aged between 16-28
They've mostly been discovered soon after childbirth (That's more with the pre-cancerous changes)
I'm 19 and had my son 7 months ago..
It's taken me this long to ask for a smear because they don't do 6 week checks at my surgery (so couldn't get my smear then) and I'm 'not of age' to get one.. I had to explain my family history to my doc and wait for her to confirm it.

So the day comes I'm supposed to go down for my smear.. And I start bleeding, that was 4 days ago. I'm still bleeding but not as much as a normal period.. And it's not like a period.. It's like ACTUAL blood. But I don't know how to differentiate between the two properly? It could just be an 'off' period.. Or it is actual blood (Which I'm pretty sure it is)

I figured I'd just wait a few days and see if I come off...

Tonight my stomach has gone really heavy and I'm finding it difficult to breathe. This isn't like a panicky can't breathe. It feels the same when I yawn, It doesn't feel like I'm getting enough air. I have to breathe deep between sentences.

Anyway, the only time I've had this heavy feeling and shortness of breath was when I gave birth to my son. I figured it was just one of those things that happened when you give birth but could it be due to loss of blood? (I lost a lot of blood and became severely anemic)

I'm really worried that it might be cervical bleeding..

What do I do? I can't even afford to ring NHS direct and I can't sleep because the shortness of breath is worse when I lay down

02-01-10, 03:47
Hun I suggest you go to your local GP... I really don't know wat it could be, ive not had your symptoms before... But try and get an appointment to see the doctor as soon as you can even if its just to get some reassurance!!

Im sorry I can't give you more advice, but im sure someone else on here will be able to give u some!!

I hope you get better soon xx

02-01-10, 06:52
A quick trip to the doctor couldn't hurt, especially to help put your mind at ease. I had a friend who had irregular vaginal bleeding, and it was due to the change in the birth control she was using. I know that other causes can be hormonal changes, infection in the vagina or uterus (which is easy to treat), or certain medications. Cancer causing the bleeding would be considered a very rare cause. Those of us who suffer from HA tend to always think the worse case senario...I know I've "had" stomach/bowel cancer (which was IBS), and now I think I may have a serious brain issue because of ongoing headaches, although all tests have come back normal. I just have such a hard time believing it is due to other factors, like stress, anxiety or my problems with TMJ. I know how scary it can be..but the important thing is to have any symptoms you are concerned about checked out before diagnosing yourself...now if I could only take my own advice...:blush: