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02-01-10, 08:03
hey everyone, I am totally freaking out....my boyfriends close cousin died on December 31st of breast cancer at 40 years old....ever since I found out that she was not going to make it.....I have been convinced that I have lymphoma, however, when I looked on google they said weight loss is a major sypmtom (and I am NOT losing weight), I have a feeling that the hot cold fevery night sweats are associated with my health anxiety...but I'm freaking out a little....my dad had non hodgekins lymphoma....what if I have it? I have lumps in my neck...but, they have always been there...what if I have had this all along and that it explains my persistant cough.....I get a physical every year and nothing has come up in blood test....what do I do? I am feeling so creeped out and alone....:weep:

02-01-10, 09:56
Hi Shanny,

so sorry to hear of the loss you have experienced, during bad times it like your going through it is only natural that anxiety will flare up. Any loss leaves massive questions that we often cannot answer. Alongside the grief you feel and seeing the affect this has on you boyfriend is often awful and uncontrollable.

Health anxiety can flare up massivley and it is understandable that it does. I understand how hard it is to look at your situation from another perspective but from an outsider looking in I can see it without the emotion and anxiety you are feeling. To me, the fact you have a physical every year and nothing has come up tells us it is very very unlikely you have anything wrong with you.

Take confidence from the tests you have had, as much as you can. If you cannot relax at all then maybe take a trip to the docs and I say this just for your own piece of mind! not for anything else. I usually take comfort from visiting the docs when my HA flares up.

Don't forget that what you are experiencing is a natural anxiety flare up, which, though very annoying and can freak you out cannot hurt you.

It is awful when something like this occurs I send you all my best wishes,

Remember, your ok!


02-01-10, 11:19
I have lumps in my neck to and started freaking out. But im fine and the doctors havent mentioned anything. We do have glands in our necks so this is what your could be feeling :-)

03-01-10, 02:16
Thank you for your responses :~) I'm having a better day today....alot of my HA comes out at night...as you can see this post was at 2am...*sighs* I think that alot of this is due to the fact that I lost my dad two years ago to pancreatic cancer and now...my BF's cousin whom was so young...it's hard to take when you are a HA sufferer :~) the viewing is tomorrow and I am currently mentally preparing myself and keeping in mind that I have to be there for my BF and his family.

I keep taking deep breaths and blowing out the air when I have an HA thought....and imagine a big balloon filling up with the bad health anxiety thought and it flying away...I know both my father and my BF's cousin does not want us thinking so negatively......thank god for this forum and thank you again for responding....I had a freak out at the wee hours of the morning :~)