View Full Version : Getting myself hysterical - help - clot worry.

02-01-10, 11:13
Please someone knock some damn sense into me.

I had a pain in my leg before - first thought blood clot. Felt a pain a bit further up the same leg - started panicing that now I really do have a blood clot.

Now I just had a pain in my neck on the same side and I have convinced myself I am about to die from a blood clot.

Doesn't help that my Dad was hospitalised for a blood clot once.

I just had a baby 11 weeks ago and it was on my mind the whole pregnancy and now here I am worrying again.

I can't help but feel that SOMEONE has to get blood clots - why in the hell not me.

I can't stand these feelings anymore - what kind of a life is this. And no one here (I mean in real life) understands my anxieties. I just can't do it anymore - I don't want to.

02-01-10, 11:21
dont worry just because you had a pain in your leg it dosent mean blood clot, it could be down to so many diif things i dont think neck pain cannected ,,when you have had a baby your hormones are ovr the place witch will make you more anxieous than normal ,,, please dont worry ,, if it does continue you could have a word with your docter he will put your mind at ease xx

02-01-10, 11:31
Hiya Samantha,have you been to the doctors about the pain in your leg?Then least you can get it checked out,just to reassure you!Im suffering from depression and anxiety,all from a bad couple of years i have had,i had a blood clot in my leg,i was on blood thinners for a year,and when it was time to come off them it felt like my security blanket had been taking off me.I was panicing that i was going to get another clot and started with depression and anxiety.Just because you have pain doesnt mean its a blood clot,but maybe if you go to the doctor you could get reassurance : )

02-01-10, 12:40
It's so unlikely that the pain in your leg is because of a blood clot and the neck pain is even more unlikely to be because of that.

I know that there is a chance of it, as you say, but it's much more likely that it's something harmless. Even if it was, as pink says, there are treatments for it and it doesn't mean you're going to die!

You sound very anxious though. Visit your doctor because not only can he/she put your mind at rest but maybe give you something for the anxiety if you're not already taking anything, because you really don't want to carry on like this.

02-01-10, 15:03
A blood clot would cause redness and swelling, and your leg would hurt too much to even walk on it. It would be a clear medical emergency.

Try to be reassured by your lack of other symptoms - which you would most certainly have. The pain in your neck is probably anxiety based.

I also think that, as it's now been 11 weeks since you had yur baby, you are out of the danger period for clots.

So, hard as it is, try not to worry, sweetie.

I agree with Melancholia - a trip to your GP is in order - a) for reassurance and b) for some support with your HA.

:) xxxx

02-01-10, 17:01
It's weird i had the EXACT same experience that you had yesterday. I'm so worried about clots too. Yesterday I felt a pain in my leg, at the back of my knee. I freaked out and straight away thought 'blood clot' then I felt like the pain was moving up my leg, followed by a pain in my neck. I immediately thought 'this is it, i'm going to die'.

Needless to say I didn't die, but this doesn't stop me worrying. I've even got so worried about clots that I've went to the hospital once and they said that If i had one, I would know about it. I wouldn't be able to walk, the skin would change colour, my leg would be swollen and so on.

I know you've just had a baby and you're worried that you are in the risk catagory but your baby is 11 weeks old and that puts you well out of the clot risk zone.

Please don't worry about it. You don't have one. Sometimes we get pains in our bodies that we can't explain. Being anxious only makes it harder to ignore the pains and magnify it into something that it's not.

Like you, I feel that nobody in 'real life' understands. When I get worried about my health my boyfriend looks at me as to say 'Oh no here we go again' which makes me not want to say anything, but in the end I always do.

You're not alone. There are a lot of people on here that have the same problems and feel the way you do.

I hope you feel better soon.


02-01-10, 17:21
Ella Jayne is right if you had a blood clot you would know about it!I have had one and i defintly knew about it.

03-01-10, 05:29
Thank you so much everyone - I don't know what I would do without everyones sane advice.

Truly - thank you xxxxx