View Full Version : cancer worries

02-01-10, 11:29
i'm scared out of my mind i have lung cancer and the worst thing i have done is google lung cancer symptoms and guess what i have most of the symptoms from the annoying cough to the pain in the right shoulder to the rib cage pain!!!!!!!!!!
i'm only 36 and suffered with health anxiety for the past 10 yrs off and on but the last 7 years has been very bad
been having cbt have a social worker that i see every week currently waiting for psychologist appointment i'm on diazepam but they dont seem to help at all, spend most of my day googleing symptoms on the computer and driving myself insane with worry, i have a young family and my husband has m.s so i do have a lot of stress.
i have had chest x ray in july that was clear just had another on las thursday and i'm out of my mind with worry incase they find something
i'm sure this may sound daft and i am a smoker (the only thing that calms me for a bit is having a cigarette)
My Dr is very supportive but i'm sorry but i just can't seem to belive him when he tells me nothing serious is going on because he failed to detect lung cancer in my uncle which sadly passed away
just feel i want to end it all now cant carry on much more like this and if i do have the big c most probably i will end my life cause i dont want my family to go through the pain of watching me die :weep::weep::weep::weep:

02-01-10, 11:52
first of all get that thought out of your head ,your family need you ,it would be very selfish to take your own life wouldnt it ,, what you need is help , if the x rays showed nothing ,they will be right,so the more you dwell on these pains and thoughts of cancer theworst you will become ,, lots of things can cause pain it might be tension through orrying ,, please try and think good thoughts ,, remember anxiety makes us think things are worse than they are ,so go on be strong dont let it win ,your family need your loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

anx mum
02-01-10, 13:13
Hi hun:bighug1:can really understand how u feel it truly is a living hell. I think when ur results come bk ok u will feel slightly better. Always here for u hun. Bevxx

sarah jayne
02-01-10, 14:14
Hi, i understand what u are going through, its awful isnt it. The worst thing u can do is think about ending ur life. Dont give into this dreaded illness that we are so unlucky to have. Like yours, my life is hell because of my health anxiety, theres not a day goes by when i dont worry that im going to die but im determined to fight it and hopefully i'll be better one day. Im here if u ever need a chat.
Sarah xxx