View Full Version : Weak & Shakey

02-01-10, 16:34
Hello :weep:

Not many of you talk to me anymore on here but thats fine.

Recently ive been getting weak alot and i find if i do too much in the day i become chronically weak and i can feel myself shake, i dont think its visible but its very scary and i dont know what to do. I dont want to get up and do stuff because i hate the feeling i get. I havnt been sleeping or eating properly again im not sure if it could be that but if you know or if you get it please reply soon. Because its getting to me!


karen s
02-01-10, 17:14
Hi Ruby i have had that since the day after boxing day it's only today i feel alittle better i spoke to my doc and her said it's prob all the pressure of xmas and eating to many pickles and peanuts and alcahol which are bad for you and the more i thought about it the worse it got!! So this morning i woke to the same thoughts and quikly said to myself you have felt like this for 6days and if something was going to happen it would of done by now and it went :D but i have still had the weak feeling today and dizzy and sometimes heart racing but i keep telling myself nowt's going to happen to me and it goes :) wow i feel so proud of myself today and i'm happy:D,so believe me you will be fine i had it six days and now i go mind over matter and at the moment it's working.
I'm sure you will feel better soon :hugs: x

02-01-10, 17:35
Hi, It could also be a virus as there are lots about at this time of year, and all this cold weather and frost takes its toll on all of us.

02-01-10, 20:51
I've had that a few times last year, I think sometimes its virusy and sometimes its my system being odd.. I've upped my vits and minerals/echinacea etc.and cut out caffiene and it doesn't seem to have come back..though the anxiety that it will come back hasn't gone away for sure. :hugs: Hope you feel better soon xx hugs

sarah jayne
02-01-10, 20:57
Ive felt weak and shaky for a while now, i think it because im so anxious about my health because i always seem to be ill and in pain...x

02-01-10, 23:16
Ruby, nobody is going to feel at their best if they aren't eating and sleeping properly. I really feel for you because you are the same age as one of my kids and I would hate for him to go through what you are (although he is not without his problems). I know how easy it is to say this and how hard it is to actually do it ( I had severe anorexia in my late teens/early 20s) but you really need to try to find some way of taking better care of yourself :hugs:

02-01-10, 23:30
yep, ive had all this, and no doubt will get it again. Nothing to worry about, it will pass. I had blood tests and dreaded being a diabetic, but my blood sugar was fine, my heart was fine, in fact I had a 100% clean bill of health. Did it stop this symptom? No... just like every other symptom, you have to forget about it and move on. When you know of a way to do this, let me know!

02-01-10, 23:34
You said you haven't been eating or sleeping well. Like other suggested, the shaky/weak feeling is probably a result of those things. Can you eat when you feel shaky? Does it make you less shaky?