View Full Version : Lets not celebrate New Year Let it be New Month

03-01-10, 00:50
Hi All,
Just been sat here talking to hubby, and come up with what we think is good idea. Why do we wait to celebrate/look forward to a New Year, thats a loooong time. Lets celebrate each month thats 30/31 days till we have a New time. (also New year wont be that scary then!!) If we can manage a smaller number then maybe we'll get there, Happy Jan to everyone we can do it!! :yesyes:

03-01-10, 12:01
I like that idea! Seems far more manageable, and then we can all really focus on what we've achieved each month, rather than in a whole year which could seem a bit daunting.
Great idea!

03-01-10, 15:11
That's brilliant!! Happy January everyone :) A really good idea Bellabessnjet


03-01-10, 15:26
Yes, that sounds good. A lot can happen in a month, hopefully good things!! HAPPY JANUARY!!

03-01-10, 16:24
Glad you think its a good idea, (and I'm not mad) All the thrapy and books talk about small steps, so it may be worth a go. I am now going to take it a step further, my January's resolution is to eat at least 1 piece of fruit a day. I'm terrible with fruit so lets see if I can do it!

Happy January everyone.