View Full Version : Help Please! Neck Stiffness....

03-01-10, 04:57
So two days ago I started with a regular cold. Itchy nose and throat then onto the congestion. Well I don't know if I slept wrong last night or what, but when I woke up my neck/shoulder is hurting. It is very tight. If I look to the left or right, it hurts in my left shoulder. I am scared of meningitis. I don't have a rash and I can touch my chin to my chest...when I do that i have a little bit of pain in my shoulder, not my neck. Logically, I know I just have a cold and probably slept wrong, but I don't want this to turn into an attack. I have been feeling like this all day. I assume that if it was meningitis, I would have been seriously ill by now.

03-01-10, 05:41
You would be too sick to type if you had meningitis. I understand the fear though! If my neck ever hurts, the first thing I do is touch my chin to my chest and then I make sure bright light doesn't bother me. If your shoulder hurts when you touch your chin to your chest, that sounds muscular to me. You probably slept funny. Remember too, meningitis comes with a high fever.

I think you're OK. Try to relax.:)


03-01-10, 05:46
aw you will be ok, the anxiety always heightens the sensation of everything.
did you sleep longer than usual?
or maybe your like me and always sleep on your arm.
as long as you can touch your chin to your chest your ok x.
my mum had viral meningitis, when i was 8, it set of my health anxiety.
when she had it she had a massive headach and could barely stay awake.
all you have is a stiff neck and a cold.
sometimes the anxiety feels never ending doesn't it?
if its not one symptom, then its something else.

03-01-10, 06:32
Thanks guys! It's just nice to hear some reassuring words....I do sleep on my side, so that probably didn't help. And no fever here. I don't have a thermometer, but i know i don't feel feverish nor do i have a fever. I will try to fall asleep on my back and not in some origami folded position. :roflmao: