View Full Version : Panic over heart

03-01-10, 06:32
It came on suddenly, first I was having palpatations that normally dont get me into too much of a state but then I had some sharp pains and then some in my shoulder. I got up too use the washroom and decided I would check my Blood pressure but before I started taking it I felt light headed and a wave of panic come over me. Felt horrible. Not sure what it was whether it was panic or what. :(
I took my blood pressure and it was fine not high at all. Pulse was 66 which is a tad higher than normal for me but I had just sat down.
Now I am just feeling completely freaked out. I am scared something is wrong and I dont want to go to the hospital because there is a stomach flu outbreak at them and I dont want to bring that home to my kids.
I just took my nightly pills and am desperately hoping that they will help make me feel better because I dont want to go back to having full attacks like this! I dont even know how to tell if its panic or something wrong. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-01-10, 06:36
I had this the other night. What probably happened was a bit of adrenaline got released into your system and started the palpatations. Then your mind did the rest. Panic is a crazy thing. When I was going through my worst, my whole head would go numb! Just try to do good breathing and distract yourself. And your pulse isn't bad at all. My resting rate is in the 70s. :)

03-01-10, 06:47
Thank you so much for your quick response. Normally I KNOW that it is just panic and I can usually settle but I am really on edge. I have a ton of stuff going on emotionally in my life so I cant imagine that is helping matters much

03-01-10, 11:04
I know I have had moments when I was freaking out about my heart - palpitations, racing, etc. - and I also felt lightheaded and pain in my left shoulder and arm. It's like if you think about it happening it does happen - strange what the mind can do. Good luck, I am sure it was just panic and anxiety. :)

03-01-10, 14:37
Thank you, the pains did go away so I am thankful for that but of course no I am dreading it happening again. I somehow need to just forget it and not dwell. Thats the hardest part