View Full Version : Please help, I am so worried

03-01-10, 11:09
Hi, I am getting myself into such a panic, I suffer terribly from Health Anxiety and my latest fear is Stomach Cancer. I went to my GP about a year ago because I was getting discomfort right at the top of my stomach (where the ribs part), especially on waking in the morning. He told me it was acid indegestion. Well I have had similar bouts of this on and off but I am also suffering from bouts of nausea, a couple of times it has woken me in the night, just feeling yucky and heart thudding and feeling a bit hot. I'm not actually sick and it does pass. Still get this discomfort in my stomach on and off every day, I know my anxiety probably doesn't help and I am constantly worrying myself about it. I also suffer with IBS when I get anxious too. I am 53 and my periods are getting much more irregular, four months without one then two periods only two weeks apart, wondered whether it could be a symptom of the Menopause. I am not taking any medication at the moment. I would be so grateful for some replies as I feel so worried about myself at the moment it is spoiling things for me. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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03-01-10, 11:13
I have IBS and I have also gone through a few periods of weeks during which I had waves of nausea wash over me. Even though nausea never seems to be listed as a symptom of IBS, my GP told me this was definitely related. As soon as I learned this, it stopped. Go figure. Hope this helps and good luck. :)

03-01-10, 12:30
Hello Mary,

I can relate to how you are feeling; several years ago I was convinced I had stomach cancer, and had the symptoms you are describing. I found the nausea particularly frightening and difficult to deal with. My doctor told me excess acid in the stomach can make it difficult for us to digest fat, which leads to the feeling nausea. As with many health anxiety symptoms, it can become a vicious cycle of worry feeding symptoms, and it becomes very hard to break the cycle. I managed by eating little and often - sticking to a fairly bland diet - in the end it resolved - as I am sure it will with you.

It also sounds like you are pre-menopausal, which doesn't always help with feelings of anxiety, and is most probably one of the reasons why you are waking feeling a bit hot. I think it is possible for hormonal changes to cause feelings of nausea; I went through the menopause a few years ago, and remember having slight feelings of nausea, which I understand can be a symptom.

Hope you will be feeling less worried soon; I am sure you will find once you can let the anxiety go (if only it was that easy), you will find the symptoms will ease.

Wishing you well xx
Please feel free to pm me anytime.

03-01-10, 14:34
Hello Mary,

Sorry you're feeling rotten at times. I have acid and bile reflux and sometimes I get discomfort at my ribs. It also makes me feel sick. I have found a pattern in that I get it more when I have been feeling anxious about something. It usually passes in a day or two. I definitely think that it sounds like peri-menopause symptoms during the night, the hot feeling, palpitations. Your doctor can take a blood test to confirm if you are menopausal. You are not alone, many of us have these symptoms and they are hard to deal with at times. Why don't you even try a herbal supplement and see if that helps? I take evening primrose oil and a vitamin b complex. Speak to your doctor if you feel you are struggling though.
Take care

10-01-10, 16:09
I am having exactly the same thing. I have a pain right between my ribs which I am scared is a section of burnt esophagus and that I will get cancer and then at the moment I am getting nausea starting in the morning and really there on and off all day I am seeing GP tomorrow and have an appt with gastro dr on friday but may not be able to get there beacuse of weather ( its 170 miles away) I am currently taking esomeprazole every day and have been on and off for 2 years since my gastro symptoms started and with it my anxiety went sky high I am also currently worries about having ovarian cancer and bone cancer...go figure