View Full Version : I Can't Take It Anymore!

03-01-10, 11:40
I've been awake all night worrying about lung cancer. I've have serious lung discomfort and a chronic wheeze ... have been on anti-biotics for almost 2 weeks and it's not helping. My arm on that side is weak and has nerve pain too. This has been going on since June/July and has been getting progressively worse. Maybe the lung cancer has spread. I'm so scared that I'm near tears. I have to wait until the 11th to get a CT scan of my lungs and the 13th to see my orthopedist again. My doctor has also sent in a referral to a neurologist. I'm so sure that I don't have long to live and it's terrifying me. Somebody please help!

Veronica H
03-01-10, 20:46
:bighug1:So sorry you are having to go through this Laura. I hope all is resolved soon. Waiting is the worst part and just to put your mind at rest a bit, I had to have more than one set of antibiotics to clear a chest infection, and there are many less serious things that this could be such as trapped nerves.:flowers:


03-01-10, 21:04
Hello Laura,

Veronica is right, it could be a trapped nerve. This can cause terrible pain and make you feel miserable. Also, chest infections can take numerous lots of antibiotics to treat them. My son has lung disease and more often than not needs to take a second/third lot of antibiotics before it clears. You say you've been suffering since June/July - I'm almost positive that your doctor would've arranged a scan for you in the first instance if they thought you had had lung cancer. I know what it's like when your imagination runs riot and you think the worst, but more often than not it's never as bad as we think!! I hope you get an answer to your problem soon and then you can relax. Being in pain for so long can really bring you down.

04-01-10, 00:34
Thanks so much for your responses. It really helped me to feel better.

04-01-10, 05:30
it sounds awful lot like cronic acid reflux to me... i have had it for years and it can cause chest pain and weezing and even pain that shoots down your arm and shoulders blades... it have even make your arm feel weak and numb even... i have had this for years and there are many people that suffer the same symthoms... not to many people know how painful acid reflux can actaully be.. some people who have had actaul heart attacks have compared the pain to a heart attack... you could feel it in your ribs and sometimes chest and arms and in some cases yourr legs..it also causes weezing a heavy feeling chest, head aches, dry throat etc... you should still see your doctor by there are so many other non life threatening things it could be... im sure its not lung cancer.. you have my love and support... andy:hugs:

04-01-10, 13:50
Thanks Andy. It's awful to experience so much fear. I appreciate your input, it helps.