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View Full Version : hi guys need some help

03-01-10, 11:51
I think I have pulled a muscle in my lower back and lower abs from pushing a heavy hoover im not used to is that possible?:huh:
is my health anxiety making it worse?
it feels a bit like period pain it started on wenesday night and i keep thinking it somthing worse.
please guys i need some reasurance.:weep:
Thanks for reading.

03-01-10, 12:00
I suffer with pain like this quite often, i think it is from the anxiety i tend to hold all my tension etc in my lower back and tummy and on some days i can really feel it.

03-01-10, 12:48
HI there the stomach pains will more than likley deffo be the anxiety as i have had the same and been doctors he said the most common causes of stomach pains /aches are due to anxiety and stress because when we are anxious we produce more acid in our stomachs which causes stomach discomfort ...he told me to try eat little and often to help and it worked as for your back it will be a pulled muscle just rest it and avoid lifting for a few days.

03-01-10, 13:13
Im so scared about it my hubby keeps saying if it was somthing serious it would have happened by now, is my anxiety making it worse?
is there anything i can do to relive it?

03-01-10, 13:45
Have you tried painkillers to see if they make a difference? If it feels like period pains it could be mid-cycle pain which is quite common. Yes, it could be muscle strain but could also be something that will go as quick as it has come. See what it's like in a day or two and if it doesn't subside then you can ask your g.p., but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Sometimes there's no explanation for our aches and pains!!

03-01-10, 17:10
Its so painful im on the implant so dont really have periods
feels like constant cramping, tried painkills and they help a little, so scared hubby says its stress had alot of stress latly fell out with mil and been ill.
scared it appendix my hubby and dad says it cant be.
so fed up now crying alot.

04-01-10, 14:43
Well had a long chat with my dad and i think its bad consipation.