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View Full Version : Hi there

03-01-10, 12:31
New to this site.
Have been on citalopram before after a horrendous pregnancy.
Have since struggled to look after a baby and had 2 hip replacements.
Husband works away and have no family closeby.
Have decided to start taking citalopram again.
Felt better when I was on it before. Hopefully it will help again.
Have kick started it today with 20mg which Im now regretting. Havent even seen my GP yet and am taking old medication. Can't get an app with her until next week.
Struggle to cope with life in general and if they work for me again would like to stay on them for ever more.
Some people just don't have the skills to "sort themselves out".
Diabetics take life long medication. Why shouldnt people who suffer from depression and panic attacks as it's a chemical imbalance in the brain.

03-01-10, 14:10
You are obviously young and two hip replacements are more than most people would have in their lifetime. Also looking after a baby isn't easy at times either. Lots of people have at least some family nearby so you've really got it hard going at times. It's not surprising you feel like you do, you've got a lot on your plate. You've gone through all this and you are trying to "sort yourself out" - you DO have the skills, it's obvious to me, so don't be so hard on yourself!!! If the medication helped you before then hopefully yes it will help you again but you'll feel better about it if you speak to your doctor and get their help and support. Don't struggle alone. I know people who have taken anti-depressants for many years so yes, you can if you need to, but your doctor can direct you with this. Take each day at a time. You've gone through so much and deserve to feel better. You need to look after yourself.

Going home
03-01-10, 14:11
Hello Sheeza and welcome to nmp. So sorry that you had such a bad time with your pregnancy and that you're finding things a bit overwhelming just now too. I agree with you about the depression because it is an organic illness whereas anxiety is an abnormal reation to fear. Anxiety cannot be taken away completely anyway, we are supposed to feel fearful and anxious in some situations and our nervous system reacts automatically...the trick is to find a way to get it back to a more normal level for those who's triggers are supersensitive. But depression is a different thing entirely and has to be treated in a whole different way.

Both depression and anx can be caused by outside factors though too, such as a hormone imbalance and certain meds which, instead of making us feel better can actually cause more symptoms, but you're right to say that for some people depression could be a lifelong problem, and if there are meds that balance things out then its better to keep taking them than suffer. Hope you start to feel beter soon :)

Going home xx

03-01-10, 16:41
Hi Sheeza
Welcome to NMP.
Sorry to read about how you have been feeling and what you have been through, - it does sound like you have been through a lot.
Don't feel bad about taking medication. Many people take it and for years if all else fails in the way of self help. As you said people take medication for others for illnesses so why not with anti anxiety/depression meds? There should be no stigma about taking them.
I am on citalopram (plus therapy) and would not be without it. It has given me my life back in many ways. I don't care if I have to be on it for the rest of my life if it helps me.
I hope you soon start to feel better again and that your appt with your gp goes well.