View Full Version : Really anxious and scared

anx mum
03-01-10, 13:05
Has anyone had a feeling like they cant breath? Like ur not getting enough air really scaring me:weep: always in tears and really anxious. Would i b gasping if i wasent getting enough air plz help.

03-01-10, 13:10

I've had this, where you feel you have to yawn almost to take a deep enough breath? I've been told it's anxiety, and I also have low iron which I've been told could contribute.
Obviously I can't say if yours if definitely that. If you weren't getting enough air you'd be changing colour and probably feeling really light-headed etc (although anxiety can make you light-headed too!)
I always try to focus on something that needs a lot of attention, see if that helps. Like I said, I'm not sure if yours is the same but maybe worth a try? :)

03-01-10, 13:10
i have this from time to time, it is just anxiety, and your taking big breath cause your breathing is shallow, i know how you feel u take a breath and want to take more but cant, but you can , do some deep breathing in to count of four and out to count of four. you WILL not stop breating try not to think about it, or chew on summit or gum as your breathin will regulate its self.

be strong

anx mum
03-01-10, 13:13
thanks guys gonna try and cook dinner. Its horrible.

03-01-10, 13:42
Has anyone had a feeling like they cant breath? Like ur not getting enough air really scaring me:weep: always in tears and really anxious. Would i b gasping if i wasent getting enough air plz help.

Hiya mum.

Hun, you have got to go to the GP and get proper treatment for your anxiety issues because it is a hell but Im fairly sure that if you were receiving the appropriate treatment you would not be in this constant state of massive anxiety. I think that you have got to be quite firm with your GP and yourself and realise that steps need to be taken to start getting this under some kind of control.

I know that reassurance is needed hun but all the reassurance that is being given doesn't seem to be helping you to feel any better so maybe a combination of being here and taking active steps to deal with your problems may help.

Having said all that, Im going to try and reassure you re your breathing!

I promise that you are not running out of air. Promise. I have got severe asthma and know exactly what it is to not have enough "air", or in my case oxygen.
They are actually 2 different things hun, you have had your SATS done and your Oxygen level was fine, its the oxygen that keeps our bodies and brains functioning and yours is working just fine.
What I can tell you is that the chest muscles are quite sensitive and the more that we tense them, the harder it feels to actually get a "proper" breath.
Yours are tense because you are working them so hard, they are not getting a chance to loosen! Asthmatics are taught a thing called diaphragmatic breathing where you have to breath from the diaphragm, that gap just under your breastbone. If you are gasping, getting tenser and gasping some more your shoulders tense up, your chest tenses up and its a vicious circle.

Try to do something else to take your mind off it but when you do get a chance, put your hand over your diaphragm and feel yourself breathing slowly in and out. If you're doing it right, your hand should rise and fall gently.
It may also help to calm you down. :)

Lots of luck :flowers:

anx mum
03-01-10, 14:22
thanks ladybird x

magic girl
03-01-10, 19:49
i also think you need to ask (insist)your g.p to refure you to a psyciatrist,at the end of the day g.p is'nt an expert on anxiety or panic but psyciatrists are.i asked to be refured several years ago and i see her regulaly even if im doing o.k and as soon as i hit this bad patch over christmas she fitted me in to see her quiet quickly and also arranged for the home help team to contact me and they did the next day.you really need more much more help than you are getting at the momement,it makes me really angry when g.ps dont offer these things and just give you a packet of tablets and think that will do they have no idea how distressing what we go through is.i hope you are feeling a bit better this evening anx mum im thinking of you:bighug1::bighug1:

04-01-10, 11:01
I was told that whenever i gasp for breath, don't try catch your breath, just take controlled shallow breaths, that was you get more oxygen in you and dont feel like you need to yawn,

just controll the shallow breathing because it can turn into hyperventilation.
Take care Anx Mum
