View Full Version : Going 2 docs 2moz

anx mum
03-01-10, 15:59
Thanks for many of ur replies really glad ive got u to talk too. Got so much going on at mo, going to my docs and wont some answers not happy with what im feeling how im feeling. And hopefully they can tell me whats wrong with blood. So low in mood just want 2 b normal for my boys they r my life. Getting really frustrated

margaret jones
03-01-10, 16:02
Poor you not long till you get sorted , Your boys are lucky to have a lovely caring mummy like you are Take Care Margaret xxxxxxxxxxxxx

anx mum
03-01-10, 16:04
thanks margaret so sick of feeling like this they dont seem 2 take me serious when i go

03-01-10, 17:22
I know that feeling anxious mum, when i go to the doctors now they dont seem to even check me over, all i get is its anxiety. I am so fed up with feeling ill all the time.
Good luck

sarah jayne
03-01-10, 19:12
Hope everything goes well for u at the docs 2moz, im at the docs in the morning aswell, i cant live like this any longer, i dont want 2 be on morphine for the rest of my life, its weird how theyve prescribed it me yet they dont even know for sure whats wrong with me. Im gonna demand some answers 2morrow...Let me know how you get on xxx:bighug1:

03-01-10, 19:22
he doctors r terrible!! i have been suffering iv anxiety and panic attacks for about 7 months no and i have been on a waiting list for 6 months to see someone av had to pay to go privately now and i start my therapy 2moz as i cant cope wiv this anxiety and panic attacks any longer, i hope evrything goes well for you xxx

anx mum
03-01-10, 19:32
thanks hun we shouldnt have 2 pay to get help should we. Know how u feel im at my wits end ha enough.

03-01-10, 20:21
Write everything down that you want to speak to the doctor about so that you don't forget when you get there!! It's not the first time I've come out of the doctors and thought "I meant to say..." Tell him/her exactly how bad you are feeling, don't hold back anything - cry if you want to. It's up to them to give you something to calm down your anxiety so that you can start feeling less anxious again. Let us know how you get on.

anx mum
03-01-10, 21:10
thanks hun just want 2 sort myself out my partner coming with me just hope they listen always cry when im in there think its built up frustration