View Full Version : I would just like to say hello and introduce myself as am new :}

03-01-10, 16:35
Hello my name is Rhea Smith and am 18, am new to this website and am very glad i came across it!! check out my profile and if anyone feels like a chat just message me xxxx

03-01-10, 16:38
Hi rhea

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-01-10, 16:44
Hello Rhea

Welcome to NMP. Look forward to reading your posts - there are loads of people here that will help and support you.

Take care.

03-01-10, 17:58
Hi Rhea

Welcome along to NMP!

Can you tell us a bit more about you, like what you suffer from?

Nice to meet you


03-01-10, 18:33
heyy ppl!! thanks for being so nice!! i suffer with anxiety i get anxiety/panic attacks regulary, i totally hate them ive been suffering ith them for about 7 months and am trying to control them but i still cant, i admit that am really scared when i get a paic attack and they have changed me such as i sometomes feel like i cant go out and somedays i just feel like the anxiety is just sitting right there in my ches waiting to happen, and i feel like am going mad some days!! am going to see a doctor tomorrow e is going to start hypnotherapy and psychotherapy with me so i hope it helps,

how about ypu lisa and melancholia hat do yous suffer from, if yas dont mind me asking? xxx

03-01-10, 18:40
Hi Rhea

I suffer from anxiety and agoraphobia!
I started having panic attacks when i was a little younger than you are at the moment but they didn't have the help available back then like they do now so i am sure you will get loads of help and advice!


03-01-10, 18:58
thanks guys!! i hope these panic attacks do get better soon and i am trying my hardest to keep positive but some days am just so exhausted and i feel that no one knows what am going through as if i wxplain to anyone how i feel at times i think that they think am crazy!! its very comforting to know that am not alone with this, do yous know anything that can help? xx

03-01-10, 19:00
I've suffered from melancholic depression for nearly all my life. I don't get panic attacks fortunately but there's always a degree of anxiety lurking in the shadows...

You've come to the right place for support and help and I look forward to speaking to you soon.

03-01-10, 19:16
i ud just lyk to say thankyou to everyone ho has wrote something as yous have all been really friendly :D thank you its nice to know i have ppl to talk to who ill listen and not think am mad!! haha xxx