View Full Version : Anxiety with anything electrical

03-01-10, 17:52
I spilled water near the extension cable where my computer runs and the satellite cable wire and end up worry the thing will blow up had to run to clean it up. Does anybody else fear electrical things? I get anxiety about taking sockets out and worry I've not cleaned it up right. Even putting a cup of juice on my bedside table next to the CD player causes anxiety incase any water leaks in. I also dropped my headphones in a cup of juice and had to bin them a few weeks ago.

Just a little thing that's been troubling me for a while..:shrug:

03-01-10, 18:39
I'm always a bit paranoid about drinking tea or coffee near electrical things. When I'm on my laptop/computer I never drink anything because once I split it on the keyboard and thought it was going to blow up! In reality it won't blow up but just ruin expensive equipment and may even electrocute you if you touched it. Best to switch power off and wait for it to dry out and then test it (carefully!).

Are you taking any medication for all your anxieties, as you seem to have a lot of them?

03-01-10, 19:02
I'm always a bit paranoid about drinking tea or coffee near electrical things. When I'm on my laptop/computer I never drink anything because once I split it on the keyboard and thought it was going to blow up! In reality it won't blow up but just ruin expensive equipment and may even electrocute you if you touched it. Best to switch power off and wait for it to dry out and then test it (carefully!).

Are you taking any medication for all your anxieties, as you seem to have a lot of them?

I have ruined a few keyboards. Well I think the wire is ok as I'm still online just dried it very quickly. It was a good bit away from the mains. It kind of landed on the laminate floor and landed between the white cables. But I assume since wire is covered by a while plastic it should be fine. :shrug: