View Full Version : Antidepression Talk And Looking Ill [ RANT ]

03-01-10, 17:58
Does anyone ever look in the mirror and convince they're looking more ill and kind of fragile looking everyday? Today i feel fragile and feel as if im getting ill, ive always been pale .. maybe its because i havnt eaten or slept properly.. im not sure.. Anyways i wanna talk about depression..


Depression is a nasty word, not ony does it sound horrible it is frightful if you have it. Some say its a 'mental illness' but thats not always the case. For example with me, people say im not depressed.. then why am i taking antidepressants for?.. Then you hear horrible stories about people with depression hanging themselves.

And for a 16 year old girl who so says 'is depressed' or .. is taking antidepressants. These stories ARE scary and also i suffer with anxiety , agarophobia and panic. Its exremely scary. I dont know if im gonna have control over my actions now im WEENING MYSELF of antidepressants.. so you see.. this is life.. and to be honest i dont know why we have to live like this.

Love from Ruby.