View Full Version : Vision Again - Sorry

03-01-10, 18:05
I posted a thread last week about vision but had another issue and was just wondering if anyone feels the same. I was out in really bright sunshine today and when I came back inside the house everything looked bright and flickered, also when I looked at the wall it looked like things were whooshing over my eyes, its quite hard to explain. Im sure my eyes have always been like this after being in the sun for a long time but I cant remember now what is normal and what isnt. I guess what im asking is do other people have flickering eyes, see weird things etc when you have been in bright light? Im sorry to ask a similar question but this is really bugging me. Please help.

03-01-10, 18:36
Hi, Yes, I see red or green spots when I have been out in the bright light ie sunshine. I also get flickering and it takes a while to focus once inside.

03-01-10, 18:43
Hi there me too, its normal nothing to worry about. Ive got light sensitive eyes too so if im out in the sun especially in the summer my eyes are really bad when I go back inside.

03-01-10, 18:47
I actually find it harder in the Winter with the sun affecting my eyes because the sun is so low and you really can't avoid looking at it when it's a bright day as it's pretty much right in your face :mad:

03-01-10, 18:59
Thank you all for replying so quickly. Im sure ive had all these things before but you forget what is normal and not when you become so obsessed with things! For the past hour I have been googling all sorts of things to do with vision and I know im not doing myself any favours but I just cant shift this particular anxiety. I think in the back of my head Im worried I have a tumour or something, I need an explanation for every bodily sensation I have!!!

03-01-10, 23:07
Yeah, I get the flickering and whilst at first it freaked me out, I soon got over it. Actually recently I suffered a lot of anxiety over stars and black dots I was seeing, but I only had to read this for it to go, almost immediately:

Anxiety can cause several different visual problems. One of these is distorted vision that's foggy or blurred. Your eyes might appear red and be dry, watery or itchy. They may show sensitivity to light and even see flashing lights when you have them closed. Sometimes there are spots in your vision. You might feel that your depth perception is wrong or see things that aren't there. The visual appearance of stars flashes or black figures out of the corner of your eyes is common.

04-01-10, 09:08
Thanks for your reply :). Im trying to distract myself now because im sure it will start to go away if I can let myself forget about it. I do see lots of black dots, especially in the dark, though that does sound strange!! I have noticed as well that at the centre of my vision in both eyes it is a little off colour. For example if I look at a plain wall the blob in the centre of my vision is a little yellowy or pink, its not particularly obscuring my vision its just there. I think this might be from tiredness though cos I cant remember the last time I slept properly. Im having to sleep with a low light lamp on as my eyes feel like they are going crazy in the dark.

04-01-10, 09:21
Yeah, don't worry about it. I sleep with the light on. I remember the days well when I didn't have to :(

05-01-10, 09:45
Ok, this is really getting me down now. My vision looks so grainy, especially at night. I dont know whether to believe that nothing is wrong or not. I cant believe i can be making my eyes this bad through stress.:weep: