View Full Version : Hello

26-11-05, 09:24
Hi, my name's Tammy, I'm 26 years old and I'm doing my best to continues studying music, in spite of the debilitating panic attacks from which I've been studying this past week. During my early teens, I suffered severely from anxiety - but then, the doctors put me on the drug Seroxat and this enabled me to lead a relatively normal life for many years. But last December, my mum (whom I was very close to) died of cancer and, as a result of this bereavement, I began to experience more anxiety and depression than I'd felt for many years. Then, the doctors made the decision to suddenly take me off of the seroxat and I feel that in a few weeks, I've regressed about ten years. A thought that would usually be mildly upsetting is enough to trigger a full-on panic attack - and once I'm in that kind of state, t's very hard to get out of until I wake up the next morning (assuming I can sleep at all - I'm on sleeping pills now but they won't let me stay on those for long!). I'm feeling so alone and scared - but I know I can't be the only person to feel this way. More than anything, I'd like to connect with people who are suffering in a similar way - I love to e-mail people and I'd be happy to chat on the phone or meet up with someone if I feel that I've established some kind of rapport with them. Tip :) I love to talk about music and I like all kinds of stuff from folk and classical through to 60s rock/pop and then through to the present day. Oh yes - and I play the guitar... Oh I haven't told you - I'm in the London area, by the way so I'd particularly love to hear from fellow Londoners but I'd any e-mails from anyone would be very welcome, wherever you happen to live... Take care... Bye *waves*


26-11-05, 10:07
hiya tammy nice 2 meet u hope u enjoy this site ike i do!!!tc and keep smilin:D
luv mooxXx

26-11-05, 22:05
hi tam

welcome to the site. coming off meds isnt easy as i am finding out myself. the full blown symptoms coming back. stay strong. i dont live in london but northants. feel free to email r add me to ur msn.

take care

ptsd sufferer

lin x

27-11-05, 16:40

A warm welcome aboard and hope we can be of some help to you on here.


27-11-05, 17:37
Hi tam, welcome aboard, hope you find lots of help and support, you have had a difficult time,Im a long way from London Im afraid.Take care.

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

27-11-05, 18:08
hi tam

welcome to the site

kazo xxx

28-11-05, 20:54
Hi Tammy,


There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.