View Full Version : I dont have HA but can anyone help please????

03-01-10, 18:37

Couldent think where else to put this so here goes will try and keep it short!!!!

Ok earlier on in 2009 I was poorly and ended up with malnutrition

My periods stopped

Wind clock on to Oct time and they started again quite normal despite fibroids!!!

Nov I came on, it went and left a horrid smelly dark discharge(Im 47) sorry tmi:blush:

This continues to this day so thats the background!!!

Anyhow end of Nov I got a wee infection....antibiotics no probs.....3rd Dec at my work do:blush:I lose massive blood clots.....quite normal with fibroids!!!!

Go home in agony.....cant wee nothing ring ambulance!!!!

Taken into hosp.....tummy xray chest xray bladder scan internal scan all normal.....no cause found came home!!!

Just about recovered and went to Somerset for NMP meet up got gastro enteritis, dont need to go into symptoms Im sure!!!!

Another week off work still duff ring gp she reckons its IBS!!!!

So put on tramadol.......the devils own pills.....bombed out etc etc also laxatives to combat side effects and buscopan and paracetamol

By yest I was wired to the sodding moon

I have what I can only describe as evil period pain ie in both pelvic joints, lower back , round tummy etc!!!!

During the night I drank a load of prune juice......not a good idea at all lol

Discharge there slightly still.....just given up and had a couple of alchoholic drinks feel better now:shrug:

Oh also not eaten a square meal in over a month cos tummy goes into spasms

Now I do know we arent docs on here lol bu anyone have any ideas thoughts etc????

I really cant face hospital again and much more time off I wont have a job either!!!!

Thanks Everyone

Kaz x x x:hugs:

03-01-10, 18:44
Any chance you're starting the menopause Kazz?

Im going to wave my naggy finger at you now missus but only out of concern..what are you doing drinking alcohol when you can't keep a meal down?
It isn't going to do you any favours in the long run. :hugs:

Back to the GP with you and see if they can do the test for menopause then take it from there.

03-01-10, 18:53
Dear Kazzie I know that you don't like hospitals but I would suggest that you get a referral to a good gynacologist. Pain around the body unexplained discharge could mean endometriosis or fibroid pain. There are treatments available to shrink the fibroids and different types of pain relief which will dry up the flow. I had several coils fitted over a number of years which helped with my heavy periods. They did nothing for the pain though and sickness I had every month. I was limited in pain relief I could take because of the lithium. I eventually had a hysterectomy in 2007. It may seem that you will have more time off work if these problems are not resolved. Unfortunately they usually get worse before they get better.

Going home
03-01-10, 19:09
Hi Kazzie

Hope its ok for me to send a reply, being new and all...and no expert, but my honest opinion is that doctors and hospitals get it right when there's an emergency...just like you see on the telly, when someone crashes and burns and its all hands on deck...then they come into their own and they actually save people haha! But I do feel that they are lost when it comes to the nuts and bolts of alot of what they term as 'minor' ailments, its like they just seem to be as in the dark as we are :shrug: which isn't alot of good to us is it?

From what you've said, yes if you'd lost alot of weight then your periods would stop, and the clots happen to be very common in peri-menopausal women..I used to get them alot in the run up to the menopause from age 44 to 48 when my periods went haywire. At 48 they stopped altogether, which was brill...but then the hormonal fun really began!

Were you actually told that the missing periods were because you were underweight? because it couldve just been the start of the menopause proper, given your age, and the return of them plus the clots is all part of it. have the docs ever measured your hormone levels? Oestrogen dips and peaks during these years and if there is a surge you'll get a period, if a dip then you won't basically.

Sorry to hear youve been diagnosed with IBS...bummer (no pun intended :blush:) because its not an easy thing to live with, and it sounds as if you're completely overwhelmed with everything right now, and you don't know what to believe or think about any of it.

Which brings me to the madness of your meds...they must drive you crazy! I was confused just reading about them. I think you need to have a good talk to just ONE doctor who you trust. Get the hormones checked and see if you might be in the run up to the menopause because this can last some years before the actual menopause and cause anxiety problems, panic attacks, flushes, sweats, raised blood pressure etc (and they usually quantify the menopause proper by not having any periods for a year) it can even change your bowel habits too...it has alot to answer for beleive me! It could be that swopping some of the meds for a single HRT pill might solve alot of the symptoms, but only if this is the problem.

Sorry to ramble but hope it helps a bit
Best wishes
Going home xx :)