View Full Version : in a terrible state

03-01-10, 19:38
Hey everyone,

I don't know what to do anymore. I am currently waiting to see an endocrinologist about thyroid problems but in the meantime I am having awful awful worries about my health. I have an obsession about my heart and am worried that its going to stop, I had an ECG at hospital the other day and it was fine but i'm still worried. I am on beta blockers, doc gave me a lower dose as I want to come off but now i'm scared that will do me harm if I actually do need them.

I'm sitting here now feeling sick and i'm just so scared there is something serious wrong with me.

This site seems to be the only thing which can reassure me in times like this!


03-01-10, 19:46
aww im so sorry your feeling tihs way.. if anything was wrong with your heart they would so know by now... they would be able to hear it as well as see it on the tests .. i know because i have had a heart problem when i was younger... they knew right away when they listened to my heart... then i got all kinds of tests.. i know your anxious and worried.. anxiety always makes us think the worst... im sure your heart is just fine and deep down you know to!... my wife has a thyroid and she went untreated for years (wich noone should do) but she did and well she went recently to the doctor and its easily treated with a tablet she takes once a day so even if a person has that problem its easily treated :)! ... chin up .. i know you will be okay.. youhave nmp's love and support :hugs:

03-01-10, 20:06
I'm sure you're fine. All of us with HA can easily make a mountain out of a mole hill. I am on the site reading because I have been going bananas the past week after hitting my head. The days leading up to that I thought something was wrong with my heart. Turns out, it is all in my head. Best advice I can give is to take a deep breath, stay away from google, and maybe get out for a walk. I am about to take my dogs now to get away from the computer.

I'm sure you will have no issues with the changes in your medication. I don't know what your relationship is with your doctor, but having one you can trust goes a long way.

03-01-10, 20:20
thank you soooo much for your replies, you've no idea how much it helps! any little weird feeling I have and I start freaking out, I think the fact that i'm waiting on treatment for thyroid is making it all so much worse.

malv - what were your wife's symptoms with her thyroid problem if you don't mind me asking?

thanks again both of you for your replies xxx