View Full Version : Newbie question

03-01-10, 14:03
Hi Everybody! I have just signed up with this site and I am already posting! Be warned! I am a serial poster!!! Now to my question. I have just changed my medication from Escitalopram to fluoxetine and am on Day 5 now. Since yesterday I have quite bad stomach cramps and feel really exhausted, could not sleep last night due to restlessness and stomach pains. Do you think this is due to the medication? And also, should I drag myself to work tomorrow or go and get myself a note for a week to give the tablets time to kick in better? I feel really guilty about not going to work and I know my boss will not be impressed but surely I should think of myself and my family more. I just want to get better but worry about what they will say at work. HELP!!! To depressed me thinks!!!


03-01-10, 14:56
You are feeling the withdrawals and side effects in one foul swoop ..:hugs:Your symptoms are the result of the medication .I do think you would benefit from some time off work until you feel better .You need to try to relax and take time for yourself ..It will all pass and i hope the new drug makes you feel better soon Luv Sue xx:hugs:

03-01-10, 16:30
It does sound as though you have the side effects from fluoxetine and probably withdrawal effects from escit too, so I think you should give yourself a few weeks to adjust properly. Fluoxetine caused a lot of sleep problems for me and is associated with insomnia until the drug settles.

Transition from one drug to another disrupts the body for a while so I'd give yourself some time and not rush back to something stressful unless you have to.

03-01-10, 17:57
Thank you for your replies. I think you are right, should give myself some time to adjust. After all, I always tell people that Antidepressants are not wonderpills so why do I expect them to be wonderpills and not interfere with my life??? I think I will call the docs tomorrow and see if I can get in. Thank you so much xx:yahoo: