View Full Version : HIV anxiety and upcoming health check

04-01-10, 06:35
Hi and Happy New Year! For some reason my HIv anxiety has come back last week and every pimple a terrifies it and last night I had insomnia and a little sweat on my forehead and chest. I am freaking out right now.

On Saturday I have an appointment for a general health check and they will also do the bloodwork check. I am to scared to do a test, but I hope I have a normal white blood count, as I read if they are okay then there is nothing to worry about. However I am infected then it will be seen in the white blood cells and the doctor would recommend a Hiv test.

Any thoughts?

04-01-10, 10:38
I had HIV anxiety on and off for 12 years after an incident when I was 19. It took me until I was 31 to go get a test. How I wish I had done it sooner. I wouldn't just go with your blood cell count cos you will still just worry. The only way to get rid of it is to find out for definite.


21-02-10, 23:54
You are right. If you were HIV +, your white blood cell count would be off. There are lots of other things that cause white blood cells to be off too though and that is why HIV testing is the only sure way to know. However, if your white blood cell count is normal, you can atleast relax.

23-09-10, 09:09
Is this true? I asked my Doctor about this the other day and she said White count (specifically lymphocytes) would be low if you had severe HIV infection. So if it wasn't at a severe stage I wonder if it would still show? My lymphocyte count was normal on my last FBC 6 months ago :)