View Full Version : bad night - how to break this cycle???

04-01-10, 09:02
Last night I had a few bad stabbing chest pains which subsided before I went to bed, I then started obsessing about my right eye which has felt not right (heavy, droopy) for a few days now.

I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart palpitating like mad, skipped beats, beating fast, it just didn't feel right at all. I had just had a nightmare of someone I know dying in a tragic accident (it never happened but it really shook me up). As I lay there I was thinking I must have been having these palpitations in my sleep and did they cause the nightmare rather than te other way around?

This morning I've had 2 runs of skipped beats which have scared me, my heart feels "irritated" for want of a better description and I'm still bothered by my right eye which still feels droopy even though it looks normal.

The doc has given me citralopram to break the cycle but I'm scared to take it coz I've heard it makes palps worse.

How do I break this cycle???

04-01-10, 09:17
as long as the docter thinks you are ok ,, i think when we dont sleep proprley everything seems worse hope your better soon