View Full Version : Crazy night... racing thoughts, 'stuck' thoughts

04-01-10, 09:13
Hi guys,
just wanted to know if anybody else had experienced this.

Normally I can watch TV for a couple of hours which will gradually turn off my brain whereby I can actually get to sleep, however last night my mind was in an endless loop, as though I was hitting a brick wall. My mind was racing, but in a slow way if that makes sense, not thinking of anything but thinking of everything... sorry if it sounds silly. I just couldn't shake myself out of this 'stuck thoughts' cycle and worried that I would never think rationally again...

Anybody else get this? Desperate for answers

04-01-10, 09:47
hi i to and probley nealy everyone with anxiety have this sympton but alls they are are irratinoal thoughts. what we have to try and do is distract ourselves from them ..easier said than done sometimes when i have these i read a book to take my mind of it or try to focus on something else .as u say the more u worry the more u will go round in the vicious cycle.we need to try and stop these thoughts as soon as they come, this is the bit i find hard to do sometimes but when u can take ur mind of it they will go

04-01-10, 17:01
This doesn't sound silly at all. In fact, I suffered from it last night! I didn't fall asleep until 7am this morning. It felt like I just couldn't turn my thoughts off, even though I wasn't actually thinking of anything in particular. I really think when you try to stop thinking and try to fall asleep, that's when the problems start. I'm worried about going to bed tonight because I'll have to get up for work at 7.30am tomorrow and I think I won't be able to get to sleep again. but I'm going to try and train myself to relax and not worry about falling asleep, and instead just try and let it happen naturally.

04-01-10, 18:46
i had this lastnite, well racing thoughts, usually i watch tv or cartoons until my brain stops working, but lastnite i couldnt stop thinking and i started shaking really bad, its not nice. i got to sleep around 6 or 7am and woke up at 11. god im tired. its been goin on a lot lately. is it the weather or summin?