View Full Version : Hi everyone, i'm new to this forum

04-01-10, 12:04
Hi there, i've just come across this forum by doing a google search for 'scared of being pregnant'. It was great to read through some posts from other users about this topic as i'm recently married and thinking of starting a family, however the idea of actually being pregnant, having tests, giving birth, etc really panics me.

I do also have other phobias, mainly around injections, hospitals, injury and related things! None of which helps with my pregnancy-phobia!

I also suffer from social anxiety but feel I have this under control most of the time now (after much work), although it never completely disappears.

It'd be great to talk to others with simailar fears/phobias - feel free to message me and i'm sure i'll be posting some separate posts in the relevant areas soon...

Zoe x

04-01-10, 12:07
Hi zebedee79

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

i love tea
04-01-10, 12:27
Welcome :D Glad you found this forum - it's really helpful and full of great advice x

04-01-10, 12:43
Hi Zoe,

Im Zoe too!
I was scared of tests and needles and I hate hospitals...BUT, I have gone on to have three children.....14, 11 and my youngest is 2, big gap I know, but my second marriage!. If I was younger I would have more!!
Being pregnant is an epic journey but well worth the worry of needles and tests. I hate needles and I can't actually remember seeing many when I was pregnant, it was mainly urine samples and blood pressure!
As for the birth - my son (youngest) was born with just gas and air. I can honestly say it was the most amazing experience of my life and I would do it all again tomorrow!! My husband thought I was going to be terrible for all of my pregnancy and birth because of my fears and woes of Health Anxiety, but he was surprised and so was I to be honest! I had learnt a lot of breathing techniques through my HA and I believe that these got me through it all.
Good Luck x

04-01-10, 13:38
Thanks for the lovely welcome!

ZoJo - thanks for reassuring me, I really would like children but I just have worries over how i'll feel when i'm pregnant, having to have blood tests(?), going to hospital for scans and so on. I often feel faint just talking about these kind of things, never mind doing them!!

I've already read some useful posts on this site and am planning to research pregnancy more and try to put it into perspective. I hope that like a lot of phobias it's the anticipatory anxiety that's the worst and i'm hoping that if/when I do get pregnant i'll start to feel differently?
