View Full Version : Been Googling again..BIG mistake

04-01-10, 13:22
So I've had discomfort in the muscles around my right eye for a few days now (no pain except a headache on that side yesterday).

At first I thought it was just a strained eyelid muscle or something, but its been 4 days, and the eye is very slightly weepy today.

So I googled, and here's what I have according to what i've read (one of these options):

- A TIA, or mini-stroke
- myasthenia (sp) gravis
- MS
- blood clot behind eye

Not a great list I think you'll agree....

Not sure whether to go to the docs - I'll get laughed at.

04-01-10, 13:35
Hi Skippy,

DON'T google!!
I went to my doctor a bit ago...for a migraine that wouldn't go...got it after running...right eye (always my right eye!) googled...blood clot!
My doctor, who is thankfully brilliant, reassured me that I wasn't going to drop down dead and said to me 'anyone and I mean ANYONE can write anything on the internet'

If you need to be reassured, go to your doctor and I am sure you won't be laughed at.

04-01-10, 14:37
we are all guilty of googling, even when we have been very firm wih ourselves and have said we wouldnt :blush: , speaking for myself and no doubt countless others, i feel at the time of googling that we will find the one fact that will stop our anxiety about the issue we are worrying about, but what happens, we only find lots of other information, that does a lot of damage , and only increases our anxiety, at best we come off googling, not knowing anything different to what we knew before, but the other end of it is ,we get ourselves so highly distessed, we cant even think straight, and imagining the worst, which only hinders and sets us back big time.
i try my best not to now, but we all have little lapses...

If we are worried, the best thing we can do for ourselves, is to seek proper medical advice, no matter how big or small and insignificant we feel it is.
If its worrying you, then the reassurance you will get will be worth it. i have went to my gp with all sorts of stuff and and i have felt pretty silly lots of times, but they dont laugh, and if it reassures me then its been worth it. sorry rambled a bit, brain not working so well today :wacko:., not be so hard on yourself, ifs it worrying you , go get it checked..

Best wishes

P x

04-01-10, 16:55
Every time I have an ache or slight pain on my body that lasts longer than a couple of days, I google the symptoms. It never even occured to me until I read this forum that looking at google was the wrong thing to do. For a start, the last few days I've been having this pain in my left ovary area....type in "painful ovary" and the first thing that comes up in the sponsored links is "Ovarian cancer education". I've been freakign out for the past three days to the point where ovarian cancer is all I can think about. And all because Google has been paid by this website to show it's ad on the first page.

I've learned something already and I've only been a member of this website for ten minutes; I'm never going to google again! (Well...I'll try..;) )