View Full Version : How can I stop these thoughts?

04-01-10, 14:02
Still feeling rubbish, ever since the ants came in I cant stop looking for them. I wont put the heating on, thats why we think they came out so early, cant sleep due to worrying, I feel so fed up, I have moments where im not constantly thinking about ants, but then they pop into my head. I try going out, but dread coming home incase there are any more. I dont understand this, please help, really need some tlc.

04-01-10, 16:55
Hi Angela,

Have you ever tried to have the ants professionally removed? Maybe this would calm your anxiety a bit. I know if we are frightened of something we can become obsessed but I also know I would hate ants in my house. I said in another post my parents have this in the summer and spend lots of time trying to eradicate them. If you can afford it I'd get someone in. I think it would be a weight off your shoulder when you know there's less chance of seeing them.

04-01-10, 19:30
I'm really sorry you're feeling like this. I think Myra has a good idea there.
Are you still having CBT? You can't go on without the heating on-it's freezing!

I hope things get better soon x

04-01-10, 20:49
Thanks for understanding. We got the professionals in August, but they still keep coming in. Whenthey first put the inseticide down it did kill them, but only after a few hours, and because I'd thought theyd gone away for winter, cleaned up the stuff ,powder etc But then out of the blue 2 appeared in this weather! Feels like Gods got it in for me, everytime I enjoy myself I see these things. Oh well spent all this afternoon seeing what products I can get for this year! Roll on summer, NOT.

04-01-10, 22:49
Hi. My sympathies TOTALLY.Can you lay a food trail from inside to outside to redirect them out the house. If you cant get rid of them, feed them in one place. Just an idea. I hate ants too. We have them every year n our estate is known for them. In summer I use dilute bleach on worktops to discourage them. I assume you have gone round the house outside, sealed n concreted gaps etc. Skirting boards can be famous for them. Could seal under those. To top that I have field mice in our house EVERY winter . We have to kill them because we get so many (15 in 5 days is the record yet).What about those electronic plugs ins that emit waves to deter various critters. Be careful if you have a hamster though! Am I telling you stuff you really already know?

I know you are gonna think this is odd but have you seen the 'ants' the film. I was wondering if maybe it would help to think of ants in a different way. In a comical way.Thats kinda what helps me now. I still kill them but I say to them as I lay the traps "come n get it you little buggers, ~Mummys here!". This way I feel more in control.

Something else that helped me was to understand ants better. They are quite clever beings and if you have respect for or an understanding of them it might help to cope with them being there.

Hopwe you gwet rid of the blighters. if you do will you let me know how please?Good luck.:yahoo:

05-01-10, 01:40

You can buy little nippon(?) traps where you put a couple of drops inside, close the lid and they walk in through little holes on the side. They can't resist them so they eat what you leave and then take it back to their nest which then wipes them out. It does work because I've had to use them in the past.

I think that once you get rid f them and don't see them for a while, you'll then get used to them not being around so you'll stop worrying about them.

However, the best way to treat a phobia is through using CBT techniques. If someone is terrified of dogs, they will feel frightened even at the sight of one. CBT works by helping them "very gradually" get closer to a dog until they're able to smooth and hold one without feeling fear. You could use the same technique but I doubt you'd want to smooth the ant!:winks: