View Full Version : Yellow Stools

04-01-10, 14:45
noticed that for a good few months my stools seem yellowish, they are well formed but have undigested bits of food in. disgusting i know.

i am 26 year old male, of good health (i think) and physically fit, but this is worrying me. I have googled it and become more worried. I know i shouldnt have done that, but was hoping it was nothing to worry about.

I take 40mg of fluexitine daily, for my health anxiety and also have counselling. My fluexitine ran out 4 days ago, so havent had it for 4 days, but have got some ordered to pick up tonight.

i know i havent helped myself, but really am worried about these yellow stools, its like everyday, and dosent go away.

anyone ever had these problems? i know its quite a disgusting think to talk about, but im so anxious that it is effecting eveything i do again.



04-01-10, 14:58
yellow stools can mean liver problams anxiety dosent cause it the other thing it coul be is lack of iron ,, perhaps with you being low your vtamin level is low i would have wordwith docter .i was a nurse 15 years ,x

04-01-10, 15:04
If the food you eat has a high fat content, this can cause pale yellow stools, but it could also be a blockage of your bile duct (bile is what gives turds their rich brown colour). Symptoms of fatty stools include pungent smell. It could also be something to do with your body not discarding red blood matter as effeciently as it used to, probably nothing to worry about but get yourself checked out by a doctor just in case. I'd say its likely a diet or vitamin problem.

04-01-10, 15:17
my diet is poor, i eat mainly fatty foods for dinner and tea.

probably dont get much vitamins too.

I basically eat one big meal for tea, then will have a ready meal late at night if im hungry. i dont bother with breakfast or dinner.

what vitamins should i be taking?

also the more nervous i am,the more i need to go to the toilet, IBS maybe?

everything else is normal, no stomach pans, urine is good colour, no jaundice etc.

04-01-10, 15:55
iron ,, is good ,,

04-01-10, 17:04
You're never going to be reassured about this until you see your doctor. He'll probably ask you for a sample which will get sent away and you'll get an answer. Better being safe than sorry. It'll be something easily fixed I'm sure.

04-01-10, 17:18
see your doc before going on vitamins. My stepfather started a regular multivitamin with iron in it and on a routine blood test they found his iron levels 5x the normal which can cause alot of damage. women tend to be low in iron but many men rarely need it.
As for the stools I agree with everyone above unless you are eatin something daily with alot of colouring in it.