View Full Version : chest pains caused by stress? i need advice

04-01-10, 17:43
I went to the doctor after having chest pains for months... he listened to my lungs and my heart and tested my heart he said everything sounded good.. how ever he seemed really concerned about my anxiety and depression... could the chest pains i have been having really be caused me anxiety and depression? i was convinced i had lung cancer but he said my lungs sound fine... that makes me feel alittle better because i guess if he did hear somthing odd in my lungs he would know and send me for a xray right?:wacko:... anyways he put me on anxiety meds...citalopam hbr and a chill pill to take then im haviing a panic attack called clonazepam... i really dont know about those to meds.... do you ugys really tihng anxiety can be causing chest pains? i neverr thought the chest pains i had all tihs time were caused by my anxiety.... my doctor seems to think so :whistles:

04-01-10, 18:58
yes, anxiety/depression (i have both too btw) can cause a whole host of bizzare symptoms..chest pains are part and parcel of both conditions in my experience.

04-01-10, 19:07
yes most def mate iv had them on and off for a yr now been on test after test wnt to docs today again because of breathing props but she said we have done heart test lung funtion test all blood test nowt elce to test lol

04-01-10, 21:32
Yep, I have chest pains a heck of a lot and I've been tested too and been told that it's anxiety related. Look up symptoms of panic disorder anywhere on internet, you'll find that chest pain, palpitations and pains that mimic angina are definately part of it.

Good luck x

05-01-10, 16:11
guys im really worried... pleasei need support i went to the doctor a few days ago wich i was scared to do... i told him about my chest pains he gave me a ekg to check my heart and listened to my lungs .. the thing im worried about is lung cancer...im ty years old and i worry i have lung cancer... my chest is always hurting ..... my doctor said my lungs sound fine... do you think if there was somthing wrong with my lungs he would be able to hear it????? he just gave me anti depressants... i need support please i felt better yesterday but i still have t he pain so now im worried all over again that i have lung cancer

05-01-10, 16:53
If the doctor suspected you had lung cancer then he would have sent you straight to the hospital for tests. Listening to the lungs can tell a lot.

If you were given the all clear, just try and accept that the chest pain you are experiencing WON'T hurt you. I know it's easier said than done but you have to tell yourself you're ok. If not you'll feel even worse. My auntie died from lung cancer and her symptoms were very severe. She couldn't even get out of bed. Trust your doctor.

You DON'T have lung cancer.

Hope you feel better soon.:)

05-01-10, 16:58
Two of my sons take bad chest pains when they are very anxious. The pain is very real to them. They've been reassured it's nothing to worry about. People can have symptoms that are unique to them when anxious and it doesn't have to be anything serious. My friend has recovered from lung cancer and she had very little pain with it. Pain was not one of her symptoms. Please try not to worry. Chest pain caused by anxiety is very common.