View Full Version : tooth infection worrys

04-01-10, 17:55
hey all, my HA is really going into overdrive at the moment. for the past 2 half months i've had a problem with the right side of my face, it felt swollen, numb, very painful to touch by my cheek bone. as i have TMJ i put it down to this, but deep down i knew it could be something else as i just didn't feel right. went to my doctor and she said that i proberly had a sinus infection thats been lingering for a while so she put me on antibiotics for a week, and i felt no different. all those did was give me bloody thrush!
i knew that some of the pain was coming from my tooth that needs to have a filling, (top first molar) but ignored it.
fast forward the monday after xmas and i was in agony with the pain, so i went to the emergency dentist at the hospital, who said that i got a bad infection in that tooth which is causing the swelling and the pain in all my teeth, and cheek, he put me on antibiotics for 7 days which i have so far been on for 4 days and im not feeling any improvement at all. still in pain, feel pinching around my cheek area, and my jaw is killing. i'm so worried that something else is wrong, my neck is hurting, feels like its been pulled, my jaw line and front of my neck feels tight and tender, and under my ear lobe it feels like its being pulled down if that makes sense at all ?
i'm having my tooth filled next week and my mums coming with me as she always calms me down, ( i'm 33y'know ) its the only way i'll have it done otherwise, as im scared to death of the dentist.
i just thought that after being on the tablets for 4 days i would see some improvement. im just so worried right now:weep:

04-01-10, 20:23

I had something similar which made me freak out so much i was convinced i was dying from a brain tumour.
I had a tooth infection which caused terrible pain in side of my head, neck and ear, painkillers didnt stop the pain. I had antibiotics twice for it and nothing happened, dentist decided to take the tooth out and within a day i was pain free.
So no antibiotics dont always work, and can take a while if they do anyway.

Hope that helps xxx