View Full Version : H Pylori test.......:-(

04-01-10, 19:52
Hi Guys

been docs today with my stomach troubles she wants me to have this breath test i am so scared please halp i have to go thursday :weep:

04-01-10, 19:57
Dont be, honestly :)

I had the H Pylori virus, a quick blood test, 2 weeks of tablets,never had a problem with it afterwards in the last 18 years.

It's very easily treated so don't worry.


04-01-10, 21:33
Hi jaco45er

thanks so much for your reply i am trying my hardest not to worry but i am scared thanks again :)

04-01-10, 22:35
no biggie even if you have h pylori it is easily treated
dont worry matey

05-01-10, 00:37
The breath test is very very simple and easy... If my memory is correct, you swallow one pill, drink some water... then wait a bit, drink some more water and then they make you breathe into this bag thing.

Nothing to worry over at all - I promise. x

05-01-10, 16:35
Please don't worry. It is absolutely painless. If the result is positive then you need to take two lots of antibiotics for 1 - 2 weeks, it's as simple as that. I've tested positive and had the treatment and it's absolutely nothing to worry about.