View Full Version : Help please...i'm really worried!

04-01-10, 20:12
I have found a lump on the roof of my mouth today, just suddenly noticed it. I have looked it up and everything says its mouth cancer.

I'm 24, i dont smoke, i do drink but not heavily...i'm really scared to go to the docs.

04-01-10, 20:15
Hey Ali, dont panic - i have had this before and I am a smoker!

Chances are you ate something sharp or hot, crusty roll or baguette? Crisps? This would of stabbed the roof of your mouth so its just inflammed. Couple of days it will go.

Try not to keep touching it with your tongue as it will take longer to go away.

Please dont freak - your fine :)

04-01-10, 21:22
I have had this also, please do not fret, easier said than done I know but as Lauren May says its probably a little cut that has become a little inflamed. As I am stupidly impatient I always do this!! Haha but it goes within days, if the problem persists see your doctor just in case but I bet its just an inflamation!

Take care xxx