View Full Version : Problem, quick answers if ya can

04-01-10, 20:14

I got this horrible sensation in my right foot which felt like a numb sensation, then turned to pins and needles in that foot. Now my right foot had a weird sensation that wont go and now spread to my left foot. It seems to have gone up my legs and now a tingling feeling around parts of my body. Like lower back and by my left shoulder round the back.
My hands now feel a bit weird and i feel a bit light headed.

Anyone help? Im scared shitless

04-01-10, 20:16
Trying eating something sugary.

If that doesn't work, go for a walk.

04-01-10, 20:21
Ill try that. I proper got the shakes now and that numb sensation is still there. Worsen's (sp) when my feet stay still.

I started eating a curry before then a few minutes this started

04-01-10, 21:06
This weird sensation seems to have gone to my left arm :-( my heart rate seems fine and my legs and feet feel horrible :-(

Sorry for the amount of posts, i jus dont like this. Im trying not to panic

04-01-10, 21:15
Hi Jamie,

Sorry you're feeling a bit odd. Try and relax, its probably made worse by anxiety. When it started were you worried,panicking or full of anxiety?
Had you been sleeping?

Take care xx

04-01-10, 21:33
well i was eating a curry and a few mouthfuls in i feel lightheaded. Then have a break then a few more then it comes back. So i stopped eating and then the foot sensation started =( i feel scared and dont kno what to do. Im trying to relax but it dont seem to work.

04-01-10, 22:13
Any improvement in how you are feeling? It is amazing what anxiety can do, it can really make something small seem like a big problem. And not just in your head, but physical symptoms such as numbness and tingling.

04-01-10, 22:23
I do lol the sensation is slightly there but got a tingly head and aches :-( this is horrible. Ive had it 3 weeks and its getting me so down :-( glad you guys are here tho

Going home
04-01-10, 22:26
It sounds daft i know but if it was a very hot curry it could account for the feelings...was it heavy on the chillies by any chance? Its a known fact that some food additives, such as monosodium glutomate which is used in chinese food... mainly in the sweet and sour sauce, can cause palpitations, as can anything hot and spicy....its all down to whatever gets the adrenaline going, in other words stimulants such as alcohol, whacky backy and the like and some foods. So just maybe your curry was actually the culprit to start with, then your panic took over and did the rest!

GH xx :)

04-01-10, 22:27
The persistence of the odd sensations is something that really surprised me once more generalized anxiety started settling in. I couldn't believe that my lips, feet, hands were tingly for weeks without there being something seriously wrong. Well, it appears to have always been anxiety. Nerves take a while to get back to normal. I'm confident you'll be fine.

04-01-10, 22:33
Its the first time ive felt anythin this weird :-( im very conscious about my health and this felt horrible. Thanks for the help tho guys :-)