View Full Version : anyone with head related symptoms?

04-01-10, 22:03

All of my anxiety symptoms are related to my head, ie tension, pressure, tingling, fear of loosing my mind/ control. I know there are lots of us suffering these types of symptoms.

Somethings I find myself doing a lot to 'releive' the sensations I get are pulling at my hair or generally touching my hair or head, and biting my nails. It's become like a really bad habit and I'm sure I must look like a crazy woman doing this.

Does anyone else do this or have any tips on how to stop?


04-01-10, 22:16
I rub my temples and take deep breathes :-) always works to calm my head :-)

04-01-10, 22:20
I have exactly the same problems. I get a feeling like something is pressing or really tight across my head, sometimes sharp shooting pains and tingling.
When i get them i have the habit of playing with my hair, i take it done and re-tie it. I do this several times in front of people i am sure they think i am crazy but i cant help it. Sometimes i straighten my hair but then i am scared of not having a hairband with me incase i get the feelings and have to tie it back up again.

Your not alone hun, but i'm sure its all just stress/anxiety. xx

04-01-10, 22:30
Thanks for replying guys, it's nice to know I' not the only one, but sorry you're going through this too.

I do exactly the same with undoing and re-tying up my hair. The daft thing is that I'm sure all this messing on with my hair is adding to the tension feeings in my scalp!

Lisa x

04-01-10, 23:54

All of my anxiety symptoms are related to my head, ie tension, pressure, tingling, fear of loosing my mind/ control. I know there are lots of us suffering these types of symptoms.

Somethings I find myself doing a lot to 'releive' the sensations I get are pulling at my hair or generally touching my hair or head, and biting my nails. It's become like a really bad habit and I'm sure I must look like a crazy woman doing this.

Does anyone else do this or have any tips on how to stop?



Just saw your post and know exactly how you feel, I've had anxiety for years but just recently I've been under a lot of stress and have experienced the same tension, pressure,tingling, tight band around the head for 5 days that you described. I did some research and found that the symptoms are a result OF anxiety and stress. It's called a " Tension type headache." If you'd like to look this up, hopefully you'll get some reassurance.

Best Wishes xxx

05-01-10, 03:53
everything to do with anything in my mind or the pains i get or how i feel or worries over things like cancer are all head and brain related. i wake up with a headache, i get head pains, that must be brain cancer i think. im prob just very dehydrated and tired tho

05-01-10, 07:59
Thanks for your replies everyone. I've seen my gp, a neurologist and a psychologist so I know this is all anxiety. Although on bad days I find myself questioning that!

Anyone else with the hair habits?

Lisa x

05-01-10, 18:24
Sorry to be persistent, but anyone else???:weep:

sarah jayne
05-01-10, 19:13
Ive had a headache since august, tingling, pressure and sharp pains. Its been the worst time of my life....x

05-01-10, 20:25
I've had the a similar thing going on for about 4 months now, since the beginning of September. Lightheaded/dizzy, feeling of pressure/tightness/fullness, balance problems, headaches, etc.

05-01-10, 20:33
Ive had headaches and alot of pressure and fullness etc for almost 3 months now, the lightheadedness is horrible.....anxiety levels on high alert with it all!!

Debs xx

05-01-10, 21:27
I banged my head last week and my anxiety levels have been going up and down the past week. Every time I think I am getting better there is another set back. I was doing good all day and then I got a pain the area where I hit my head and that immediately sparked a bad thought and a quick little panic attack. This was about 10 minutes ago. I still feel shaky and weird.

It can be such a pain trying to differentiate between an anxiety symptom and what is possibly a symptom related to an actual injury.

05-01-10, 22:19
I also have a really weird sensation....It's at the corner of my right eye which can extend to my right temple and cheekbone...It feels as though someone is pressing there with there finger or thumb...kind of numb too...it so weird which makes me terrified its something bad...i'm trying to ignore it...it happens on and off since this past october...anyhelp or reassurance would be so helpful xxxx

05-01-10, 22:38
This is me!!!!! Would you say that you create these head sensations just by the thought of them or thinking about anything to do with your head? With me I have a massive fear of anything brain related so I am constantly thinking about my head, because of this I get constant pressure building up inside of me which if I don't do something to distract myself (like touching my face or playing with my hair) the pressure realeases itself in my head which causes a lot of pain and FEAR that this is causing an anurysm, or something else that will lead to death, after doing this all day I often end up with what I would say was a REAL tension headache where I'm not really controlling the sensations, I've done this for the past year and have been referred to a CBT specialist.

Please PM any time you want to chat about this.


05-01-10, 23:11
Thank you all for your replies.

Hugs - you have described me to a tee, very reassuring but sorry you're suffering too.

Scaredycat - I get wierd pressure and tingling sensations all over my head scalp and face so you're definately not alone.

Lisa x